Today was raining almost through out the day. Went down to Heeren and met up with sihui, then went over to Paragon for interview. She interviewed as part-timer and me as full-timer. Well, the shop name is Katriel, selling accessories. Quite high class place. Paid not bad, for part-timer is $5.50 per hour and it will contiune to increase. As for full-timer is not confirm, it need to depend on alot of factors. *dotx* Mostly wont be shortlisted
Then after took 190 to PS and walked to a store sellin bean curb and milk. We went to have so curb and milk, packet one for wenting. Finding her later. Went to Petal Box and find her. I keep trying there de bottom as there no customer for wenting to serve. Quite fun. Is like the whole store is like wenting's wardrobe. *laughs* Then went to Bugis Mickey shop for interview, however I was turned down straight to the face by the superviser as i had no experience. Anyway, i do not buy their de things. *laughs* Went back to wenting's store again. Yeah! going to JB with them at the beginning of sep. SHOPPINGS!!