went out sihui
Wednesday, August 17, 2005 / 11:49 PM
Today was raining almost through out the day. Went down to Heeren and met up with sihui, then went over to Paragon for interview. She interviewed as part-timer and me as full-timer. Well, the shop name is Katriel, selling accessories. Quite high class place. Paid not bad, for part-timer is $5.50 per hour and it will contiune to increase. As for full-timer is not confirm, it need to depend on alot of factors. *dotx* Mostly wont be shortlisted

Then after took 190 to PS and walked to a store sellin bean curb and milk. We went to have so curb and milk, packet one for wenting. Finding her later. Went to Petal Box and find her. I keep trying there de bottom as there no customer for wenting to serve. Quite fun. Is like the whole store is like wenting's wardrobe. *laughs* Then went to Bugis Mickey shop for interview, however I was turned down straight to the face by the superviser as i had no experience. Anyway, i do not buy their de things. *laughs* Went back to wenting's store again. Yeah! going to JB with them at the beginning of sep. SHOPPINGS!!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.