Sunday, June 17, 2007 / 2:52 PM
Had BBQ with dear zw wt wt kw. I am pretty disturbed, firstly is about something when i first saw or met them, secondly is the rain and never get started fire.

When you open the door, you said that OMG, _______ we guessed wrongly already. Well, I knew in mind what were your guessing. The clothes that I would be wearing. Do your think I love to wear the same old things again and again. Or I could not afford new clothes. Do your really thought i love it the way I am? Or well, your might you can just go on diet. Oh well, do your really losing weight is that simple for me? I have genetic fats with me and of course, the fats accumulated by eating. I am not like your who does not have genetic fats. It is not easy to shed it off. I did try but i failed. You think I do not like to wear fancy clothes, putting make-up? Then you are damn hell wrong. I would love to! But I was just totally disappointed with YOU! Just a person! I would really ask? When you are upset or whatever, you will turn to who and who will be rushing down for you? Keep it to yourself and if your answer is not the same as mine, then I am sorry. I am not angry, I am just disappointed for you hurting me.

Fire just could not get started. A guy came for our rescue. At least we still manage to BBQ finish all the food.

Thats ALL.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.