Happy CNY 2009!
Thursday, January 29, 2009 / 9:20 PM
Happy CNY!

Hope that your have received lots of ang bao, enjoyed sumptuous foods and have nice gathering with relatives and friends.

Went back to Malaysia (Kampar) with family except my sis-in-law. I swear sitting in a car for 5hours was really torturing. Luckily, bro is able to drive fast and stead at 160km/h to 180km/h. If not, the journey could have been more than 6-7hours. Celebrating CNY in Malaysia was simply fantastic. Playing fireworks and firecrackers endlessly. Although the firework was in mini version of Singapore's, but still nice. Uncle's home has become much nicer since I last been there. I think they did quite a lot of touch up. Gambled like no tomorrow as well. I sweared IPOH's food was kickin ass nice la! Especially Kampar. Every time when I go back, 3 things are must for me.
1) Curry Chee Cheong Fen*I queued for nearly an hour for it, sometimes good things are worth waiting for =)*
2) Lor mei fan *the Q was much shorter, 15mins*
3) a glass of thick thick thick ipoh white kopi iced

Oh, my little nephew was such a naughty ass. He pooed infront of his grandma's(my aunt) home!!! And I swear he got caned up side down till he jumped from my uncle's home back to his home and through and fro for many many times. *my uncle's home is just opposite of my aunt's home*

Uncle's plantation has expanded. From growing only mangoes, papaya, oil palm and fishes, they started growing DURIANS, jackfruits, guava and etc. But sadly, it wasnt durian season then. =(
Oh ya, if you are going to kampar one day, please to go to West Lake and have a look for yourself =) you will definitely be glad that you have been there.

West Lake

Also, did a major catch-up with my childhood friends and with many mosquitoes joining in. Glad to know that they are doing well in their life and happy with their marriage =) The catch-up lasted for like four and a half hours? and there is so much things to update each other. haha! Ah fei, I will definitely let you get my hair done when I go KL k. And stop complaing about messy hair.

I love CNY 2009.




.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.