My Cute Little Hamster Pictures...
Monday, January 31, 2005 / 3:13 PM

mY hAmStEr SiTtInG dOwN
dOiNg SeLf-ReFlEcTiOn..
yOu ShAlL tOo!!!

MuNchInG MuNcHinG =X

cLeAnInG iT bOdY oR
iT Is TrYiNg To KiCk
My Old Hamster Ran Away... =X
Sunday, January 30, 2005 / 11:57 PM
Today is a very very bored day. Missed my SCV cable, Sunday show on Channel U and 8 s**k to core. Really bored to tears. So me decided to clean the trophy. It is so many, anway mainly are my brother. I think got 19 trophy if i am not wrong and one big trophy in his room, compare to mine ( sobx sobx sobx ). I think if Sport School is to set up earlier, probably my brother will get in. And the trophy are usually first or first runner-up awards. So envious!!!

Just now my fat and old hamster ran out of its cage and went into my parents' room and gave my dad a bite on his hand. Recalling it back, sooooo funny. While i had to ran after the hamster and catch it. That is past one already. haha. so funny.

Nothing much to add. Bye bye.

Forever Friends?! Dreaming or actually friendship can last even we parted?!
Friday, January 28, 2005 / 5:08 PM
I was reading my autograph that was written by my friends during sec 1. Reading through the book, I was reflecting back the days together with all my friends in secondary school. Missing the days together back in secondary school, really missing the day deeply. Haiz!! Really missing the days a lot. As we graduated, things start to change. No matter is thinking or appearance, everytihng is changing. Well, there is no way to judge a person to change better or turn bad. Friends, all i can say is no matter what, if need help or a ear for confronting, i will always be there for you. And hope 'FOREVER' does exist. I LOVE YOUR!!!
izzit purely accident or izzit a man-made mistake???
Thursday, January 27, 2005 / 12:30 AM
Today was watching the news, and it comes three accident report happened on the same day. 3 accidents per day are really too much, even one is more. First accident happend around Changi East. A private bus having 33 passengers knocked against the stand of the MRT at Tanah Merah. Luckily no body died from the accident. And the personnel from the private bus company said that as the competition are getting fierce nowadays in the bus industry, drivers tend to make more trip than before, so accidents do happened. When i listened to it, first thing struck my mind is, SO WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO PREVENT ACCIDENT?! Well accident sometimes canot be prevent, but at least they shall have done something to lessen the risk of the accidents happening and NOT TELLING THE PUBLIC THAT ACCIDENT DO HAPPENED LIKE THAT! I think thats a very irresponsible answer to the public for that accident.

Secondly is the accident happened in Singapore. The car crash against the fences on the road so hard that the fences eventually come out from the ground and the car bodies were beyond repair. Thirdly is the accident happened in a gas supply company.

I do not know those above incidents are purely accident or they are man-made mistake, or probably they did not do anything to ensure the safety. Tsunami had already given a best lesson for every country to learn from. Government even set up a group of people who handles critical and sudden problems, so as when disaster struck the government will not be wondering and pondering what to do.

Nothing more to add eventually, Bye Bye..

fcuked tupp
Tuesday, January 25, 2005 / 3:02 PM
Today seven plus, got woken up by my dad. He was playing his cd so loudly!!! So i was like kind of disturbed, so grabbed my handphone message people. After messaging, went back to sleep again. Then this time round, i got woke up by my idiot brother. CANT THEY JUST LET ME SLEEP SOUNDLY !!! Argh, stupid brother woke me up already, ask me called his girlfriend, then go back sleep again. Then me cannot contiune my sleep again. IDIOTIC.

So me climbed out my bed unwillingly, and wondering what to do next. So me decided to play my computer. Pathetic lei me! Haiz. At the afternoon, help my mum to do house chores, do till my hand so rough! haiz..

well... actually my burner and dvd 'player' are combined together. Today opened up the casing then realised it.. haha.. kind of stupid me!

nothing more to add.. byebye

tOoOoOoOpid Computer!!!
Monday, January 24, 2005 / 6:12 PM
ARGH!! The newly bought computer is so idiotic and troublesome. Installed the Motorola cable modem software, then the computer keep rebooting itself. Called up the Starhub, they told me to use ethernet to connect and update my driver, then change back to USB. I was like so SEI!!! I mean is like the previous time i also get myself online using other method instead of installing the programme. Never mind, I tried to update my driver as fast as i could before it rebooting. Hehe, so now my computer ok already. Another thing is the CD-RW button is stuck inside when i open this up! I was like so stunned by the button when i first unwrapped the pc. When i called up the shop who installed the PC for me, they told me to bring down my PC tomorrow. I was like OMG, bring down again? I am living so far away from Sim Lim Square. And my dad has to take cab go down and take cab come back? It is very expensive for the fare lor!!! Forget it!

Now computer is okay le, left the button which are stuck inside. Pathetic me! Nothing much to write about anyway, byebye
haha... my one day in ice lemon tee
Tuesday, January 18, 2005 / 11:50 AM
today went to lot 1 ice lemon tee work.. haha... SI BEI SIAN AH!!! i really mean it... cause ah.. i work at there nobody to tok to ah... haiz. so i was like shutting my mouth through my work haha.. one thing to be glad is, i know how to read the goods number le... haha.. next time me go there buy things can go get myself... kind of idiotic ah.. haha...

just now, my mum was kind of shock when she saw me back so early.. then i burst the news to her that i am not working le... haha.. then she say i am too lazy.. haha.. after that my dad said if she dont wanna do then let her be lor, she is born to be fed and not to work.. haha.. when i listen to it.. i was really laughing through lor... haha

got to end here... buai buai

Monday, January 17, 2005 / 11:44 AM
wow... finish reformating my computer le.. so happy.. haha.. my fourth blog.. haha.. cause i forgot my previous id le.. haha.. a bit blur blur ah me.. haha...

today is a sunday.. today soccer match is singapore against... i also dunnoe... think is indonesia ba.. haha.. dunnoe lei..well hope singapore will win lor.. cause singapore hardly win de.. really...

got to end here cox me got nothing to add or say lor.. buaibuai



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.