A little thoughts from the years i gone through.
Thursday, July 14, 2005 / 9:27 PM
Still remember the time when we were once a small sized child who once swears for not smoking in the future, as we know smoking is bad. But think a little further, remembered those who once your hide and seek playmates, are they smoking now? Probably, five playmates will have one smoker playmates. We were always educated in this way that we are not supposed to do things which are wrong due to its consequences. But why are there still smokers around us? Is it the environment changes them or is themselves fault for being foolish for that moment?

Let’s not take smoking as an example, let us discuss about having sex before marriage. Now flash the scenario when we were having science lesson regarding sex. We are always educated in the way that we shall not do this due to the severe consequences. I still remembered my school even specially organized a sexuality course for the entire sec two to attend. Well, promises are made for not having sex before marriage. There are even rings given as a reminder for not doing so. Now ask yourself, why you will not choose to have sex before marriage. Is it that you scare to be the unlucky ones or is your principle stopping you from doing so? I believe the majority answer will be the former. Don’t your think we have not yet to grown up?

There are four stages of behavior development. First stage of behaviour development – learnt the pain. This stage is where when we are still a child hearted. For example, you felt a pain from touching the hot kettle; therefore you do not dare to touch it again. I think you shall know what I am trying to say.

The last stage of behaviour development – principle. This is the stage where we do not do things which we know are wrong and also against the principle. I think Singapore never educate their future leaders in this manner.

I know you may think me blogging crap, but in real life, people may seems mature but their thinking may not be so.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.