i am beat tired!
Friday, November 25, 2005 / 11:13 PM
Today is finally my rest day! ARGH! My leg is almost killing me and gave me a hard time. Working in tampines mall was pretty boring, there is not food court! And there are so many things to learn, not as in learn but to know every product well because some crazy customers will ask question non-stop! Especially those old folks! There is one couple customers, pretty old I would say, asked me why will my machine spoiled after using 10 years. I was -_-"!! USED for 10 years of course will spoil la! Really crazy you know! But one thing i like about this job is that, i can work as long as i want. I can work OT everyday if i like, but they still pay me and best is i do not need to seek any permission. Wahaha. But really standard, once is 9pm, i will sign out already. Rushing back home. The people there are all very friendly, jobie my da jie. She teach me everything and Ladtee teach me about shaver. haha. Think of buying apilator! Quite useful for girls. And thanks wenting for coming to find on wednesday, love ya.

My rest day is book by eugene today. Really enjoy today alot! Thanks you. We went to watch Just Like Heaven at Causeway Point. It was terrifying great comedy yet romant movie, worth catching it. After that we went to East Coast. Wahaha, since a few months back, i had never went there already. However, the beach is as dirty as before or maybe even more dirty. We really talk alot today, and thats the feeling i wanted when i be with him. I love him! Muackz! When the clock strike 12am today, it will be our 255 days(8 months) together. I love you.
Travelling around the world!
Sunday, November 20, 2005 / 4:29 PM
Was reading my last issue Seventeen magazine, then i stumbed at the what's your idea of the ultimate romantic getaway, all the replied given was by guys k. There was thise cute guy said Mount Rushmore and the Nigara Falls. Then i went to searched online about Mount Rushmore. Then I came to realise is actually the 4 famous craving on the so called 'mountain'. I show u some picture.
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The four persons that were craved up there are General George Armstrong Custer, Buffalo Bill Cody, Lewis and Clark, and legendary Sioux warriors. I also do not who are them.

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No wonder, it is better to go visit Venice before its is submerged by water.

Actually got alot of country pictures, but i am too lazy. Oh ya, i must thanks Fatin for giving the staff purchase this fridays.. THANKS.
Life is upside down now, is it the way i wanted.
Thursday, November 17, 2005 / 8:55 PM
One good news for myself, i will be working on 21/11 monday at Tampines Mall. Working as what? As a Philips Promoter, they offering a pay of $6 per hour. I think they really giving high pay as promoter because even though i was introduced into it by my job agent, they still offered a pay like $6 per hour. Sound so funny. When will i work till? The person told me to work as long as i want, i also can work weekend staff when i start schooling, isn't it great?

Recently, i had been thinking alot. Missing the days wearing my school uniform, carrying bag to school, holding piles of book and also tying up hair. I MISS IT! O level for me is going to end soon. Another year is going to go just like that. After a warm welcome for Christmas, it will be warm welcome for New Year and then, Chinese New Year. Time really past so fast that now then i realise one year is gone just like that. Hoping for new wishes every year, but had the wishes we wished appear? NO! My birthday is coming, some asking me how to celebrate? In my heart I do not wish to celebrate at all! Getting older each year means freedom but yet is term used for accumulating burden. BURDEN! Next year, next day, next second, we never knew. Everyday I am carrying a phobia to being lose every second i used to own. Seeing everyone walk past in MRT, everyone has a destination to go to yet someone are still in a lost and still continue to search the path that he or she wanted to walk on. Life is about living and is it thats all?

I want a life with different experience every day! I will I will, try my best to experience everything under the world, knowing more different type people and also trying hard to shed the kilo. ARGH!
had english paper today
Wednesday, November 09, 2005 / 11:59 PM
Facing O level again make want to cry out loud. O is such a formiable paper that actually make every student to study through all days long. And also a result to determine you for the rest of your life. Gobi dessert!! This passage given for part B is quite similar or maybe even the same one as the passage Mrs Tan given out last year when i am still schooling my beloved school, GreenRidge Secondary. I do not want to say whether is it easy or tough, because last year we thought we would have a pass at least but end up failing. So better do not comment on it better. After the paper, I need to go over to my mother stall to help her in closing. Business at that time is very bad, very little people patroling. There was this very irritating uncle. He usually dun patrolise my mum noodles, ONLY when we start to close stall then he will ask do your still open. Today he was sitting with his friends for like a few hours? Then he came up and ask do we still open anot. IT is very very very irritating.

Meet eugene. I wanted to watch The Exocism of Emily Rose! But Causeway did not have their preview. ARGH! I will watch it on weekend anyway. I bought The Doll Master, it is quite boring show, except for the doll spirit protecting her owner for getting hurt even though she dumped it. Quite pity for the doll. And she look like one of my friends, hmmm, dun say her name better.
argh.. eng paper on wed.
Monday, November 07, 2005 / 12:59 PM
Today is already monday. Quite scary about how fast times fly. Reading some grammar rules online now. I pretty shock by my dad today. Firstly he bought me Senzation Double Detox, i guess your guys knew what is that. This is not slimming pills, but is a enhance slimming and detox. DETOX!! I know i am fat, i hope i will take consistently. Thanks dad! Second thing, my dad went to buy himself a Adidas swimming goggles. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I know it is nothing strange, but i do not believe that my dad actually spent money on such thing. I shall stop surprising myself. Everything is possible in the world.

Just watch finish Stairway to the heaven. Felt quite happy for the main character in the series. EVIL step-mother and step-sister. I want to watch THE EXORCISM OF EMILY ROSE. This is a true story, i read about the news article regarding it online today. It is quite stunning and mystery. It actually took placed in 1970. Emily was possessed by the so-called devil, then the priest volunteer to help her to get rid the devil in her, but unfortunately, it did not success and emily died. Quite sad isn't it? I will definitely catch it.

I also bought MAYDAY's FINAL HOME ABLUM. This is terrifying great, seriously. Every song is so great. Worth the money! Anyway, all of them in the team very united which is quite good.
k good luck to those now facing O level now. JIAYOU!
Sunday, November 06, 2005 / 3:40 PM
Zhiwei and Wenting, girls really thanks for your advice yesterday. I mean your are forever my besties k. Though your strongly oppose we patch back together, i still want to continue. Just to say not i stubborn or what so ever, i just think that this relationship shall not end so early. Your may think that a relationship no matter how will end one day. I mean this shall not be the main reason for not continue this relationship, i agreed that one day he will still hurt me as deeply. But even with a new relationship, i will be hurt as usual. There is not such thing no hurt in the relationship, in other words there shall not a perfect relationship in this world. Yes i know your dislike him, but i hope this shall not the another reason for our friendship to be worsen. And i will speak aloud and clearly that we will be together for long, even if one day, he will to leave me alone i will also will not be regretting for the path i took up yesterday.
i am back to my single life
Saturday, November 05, 2005 / 7:50 PM
I an now playing with my pearl pearl( pearl white hamster). K. I am here to annouce, I AM BACK TO MY SINGLE LIFE! Ya, we broke off already. I already pack up all his gifts already. 7th month of being together. Thats the end of it. Am i sad? I really do not know. Properly i am, but i tried not to cry. Actually being for so long already, the love and atmosphere between us is getting more and more fragile already. It is hard to maintain a relationship for long as far as i concern. Eugene, please always think when things are wrong, you think is my fault, because sometime is your fault in the first place. You totally neglected me, or maybe you cant be bothered. I really hate it. Yes, O is very important to you. So busy and so important that you forgetted about me. Or you do not love me anymore. Whatever reason it is, let me tell you this, I REALLY REALLY HATE YOU FOR ALL THE THINGS YOU DONE RECENTLY HATE YOU NEGLECTING ME TOTALLY, HATE YOU FOR NOT CARING ME AT ALL, OF ALL I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU AS MUCH AS HOW MUCH I HATED VINCENT. I typing in bold, in case you are so busy that you just scan through my entry. However, i must really thank you for all things you done for me and the memories you gave me. I am crying now. Yes i am. I will be fine. I will be. Can i heard you say again i love you?



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.