I think i will be the sacrifice.
Sunday, April 23, 2006 / 1:00 AM
I think the distance between me and you is drifting apart as day goes by. You making me feel so unsecured everyday when you told me everyday about which CCA you wanted to join and the times you have to comply with. I know it well enough that CCA is a critical criteria when it comes to University. Well, one thing i have to say is, it does not mean that taking up 2 CCA will make you really outstand others. You have to perform, both academic and leadership. Your far-sighted ambitious is roaring and I have no choice but to walk away. Though trying to be supportive, I know my homework is the only companion i have and secured with. I wonders, your time table is a contrast of mine. Saturday you are having your CCA, where am i placed? Instead of you making me feeling secured, i think is still my work making me feeling so. I am so oblivious to you.
The Cathay is near to perfect for movie sensual.
Sunday, April 16, 2006 / 12:04 AM
Finally I get the chance to experience the new cinema in the town lately. THE CATHAY! Pretty nice atmosphere over there. Catching Eight Below. Watch it over at The Grand Cathay, the largest seating cinema over there. The sensual over there is near to perfect except the small screen. Nice decoration of the cinema, Powerful sound system and also high class cushion seating from Italy. What is there more to ask? $9.50 for a movie during weekend simply worth the money over there. Now I shall rank my favourite Cinema now. First is The Cathay, Second is The GV grand and Third is Shaw House. My most dislike is all Engwah cinema!! Lousy seatings and terrible sound system!! Thats really turns me off. K back to my movie. Eight Below is really great movie, showing the will of surviving of the 8 dogs. Surviving all by themselves for more than 150 days really is something great especially when it was at horrible bad weather. *Claps Claps* But somewhere between the movies, i was being scared. Probably scared by the sudden power sound and the damn freaking bass. Eight Below is a great movie!! After watching, went to have Chicken rice somewhere near Paradiz Centre. Then we went down to Marina Sq and hunting for yellow tees for dear's NP orientation. Of all, why must it be yellow? It make my dear look so gay. Then finally we settle down to get the polo tee from Baleno. Then off we go, i am home now so freaking tired! And homework not all done.
I am dead tired..
Thursday, April 13, 2006 / 11:47 PM
Today is my MI CIP day. My class has to go down to Kallang river and pick up the rubbish. Well, something scary then happened. I found an egg lying, it was really rare as that not normally seen on the grass without any cracking. Then when ShiHui shown it to the co-ordinator, then we realised that egg is being cursed to harm the enemy. ShiHui threw real hard on the ground but yet it is not crack. Carrying a undescrible feelings, I picked up the egg and place it back the original place.

After the CIP, ShiHui, KaiHua, Valerie, Jasmine, HuiPing, HuiJuan, Jesslyn and also DingJun went down to the Wheelock Fish&Co and eat. I LOVE the New York fish and chips. It is super nice and fresh. OMG! Dear, can we go down and eat? Have a real good time laughing over there, all thanks to DingJun, the clown. Finally then we realise, my gang of girls are disliking almost all the boys in my class. After the whole of us finished eating, then MeiLing and WeiLong reached. Feeling bored so KaiHua and I just went walking around wheelock. By the time we went back they have already finish eating. So some went home and some went shopping around Orchard. As for me i went to meet with WenTing. As we were walking to The Cathay, we saw Wei, WanTian and KengWei. Stupid zhiwei! Always go out with them, dont even bother to date us out. Nowaday so bonded with thems. Got time also dint ask ting and me out, we are hurts you know!! Then we went over to Cine dine. Me and ting shared, very scary!! In one day, i went to eat at restaurants twice. The feelings is like NO NO NO!! Then we shopped around at Far East. I was damn freaking tired!! Finally at around 7.45 pm, I can go home already.. Tired!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 / 6:35 PM
Today is a rather fast pace day. Today PE lesson, i only do the walking around because i am excuse from PE. So I walk with ShiHui, and she told me her life last year in this school. I really do not know what comment. Eh, another thing to add about my class is that I start to dislike one of the boys in my class. He is so bas**** and also, I do not think deserve the word 'boy' to be describing you. People in my class shall know why. Anyway, today have a earlier celebration for HuiJuan's birthday. Not yet her birthday actually, but have it done earlier as tomorrow we are having our CIP day. Yeah man! Going to Kallang Costa to pick up rubbish *stink* It reminded me the time when we start going out together. Remember we walk all the way from Marina Park to Kallang? haha. It is really something memorable. Probably you already forget it? Hopefully not.

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This was taken during the valentine day of 2006 which is also this year. Actually was taken somewhere near Clark Quay those high-rised building. I looked like an idiot. I was freaking tired but still coverd with smile give by my dear. Holding the bouquet of flower and also balloons.
Down with fever..
Monday, April 10, 2006 / 9:59 PM
I am sick, having fever actually. I went to school today, after finish doing my practical, was not feeling that good, body aching and the feel of vomited keep erupting me. Since after my Chemistry practical is economics then after that is my break, then i decided to go back home after my break. Because after break is actually Math lesson, so the smartest choice is to run away from his lesson. It is not that I dislike Math lesson, is just that i am getting bored over at his lesson, learning the things i learnt. Took a cab back home from school, lied down on my bed and resting, temperature is rising. I need doctor!! Luckily dear came and find, brought me to clinic and get my medicine. I realise something!! When the doctor knew that you are not exactly sick but just wanna escape from lesson, they will charge you at higher price eventually. Higher by one or two dollar? or even four bucks? Anyway, dear cooked porridge for me. Delicious! But sorry dear, my body cannot digest it, so no choice i vomited out. Sorry dear, and also thanks for accompanying me. Now i have 2 days of MC. So i am not going to school tommorrow. Tommorrow ends school at 4.30, so better 'ciao' . Going through the chemistry test we took, ehhh, for sure will flunk it!! I am not happy about flunking my test, it destroyed everything. Is a new beggining of my beloved chemistry journey and i just flunk it, noooo its too bad. Maybe i can pass it. I just find it damn irritating to do test in lectures hall. Small seats and also damn freaking low table. I have to bend to do my work, after finish my backbones is going to CRACK! LOUSY!! Hope the new school will have a better seatings. Now i am updating blog that sound so stupid to me? I start to question myself the true meaning of expressing yourself? Usually those blog i went to read, they usually actually blog the day happening, not much of feelings? Anyway who cares, readers are more concerned about happenings rather than feelings. Just like Xiaxue blog!
Marina South
Saturday, April 08, 2006 / 11:59 PM
Today is a Saturday. I love saturday. Saturday is a day which I do not have to worry about schooling the next day. In contrast, Sunday is a disgusted day, hate it the most. It indicate the end of the week and also STARTING of a new week the next day. Anyway today went down to CCK to do my secondary school card replacement, my seconday school had already expired decades ago anyway. So changed a new one, but sad to say i cannot get back my refund. And one thing that really freak me off is the card eventually cost me a whooping 19bucks. Is not I cannot afford it, but it just sound so funny to me. Let me tell your this, imagine you have to ten dollars for admin fees when you actually receive nothing but just standing outside the office and perspiring non-stop and the officer are just seating down, doing their work slowly. Does it ridiculous? I think i find it very ridiculous. I think your must have seen the SMRT advertisement boosting their taxi-drivers commitment and also encourage your tips the driver when they are able to fulfil the following, 1. Asking your preferred routes to reach your destination, 2. Politeness, etc. The first point is really hilarious! Shall not be the most practical thing that the taxi driver going at the shortest routes to reach the destination? It does not make sense to me actually. Probably their company is just doing this for their employees. After getting my ez-link card already, went to Lucky Plaza and find him. Then we went to Marina South to eat steamboat, nice dinner! First time we went over there together. After that went to Marina Park and seat down watched King Kong using dear's laptop. It is really touching movie, I love the King Kong in terms of him protecting Ann Dawson and also the ways it express its emotions. Quite nice. Think thats it. Bye.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.