Yeah!! Finally I am having holiday.
Sunday, May 28, 2006 / 1:05 PM
Thank god! I am in holiday now. But reality seems abit harsh, after holiday will be the starting of MYE. Yesterday went to watch The Da Vinci Code over at GWC. It is one of the best movies I ever watched, thought I am abit confused by the Pagon and Christanity, overall still a great movie. Friday went over to marina, watched Over The Hedge, dear enjoyed but i find the movie over exaggerating. Anyway ting came to my home and ton ytd(sat). Then we researched alot of those supernatural like doopelganger, haunted house and etc etc. Quite thrilling.
Carnival coming..
Wednesday, May 17, 2006 / 5:02 PM
Firstly, Happy Mother Day to all the mother(only good mother!) in the world. I also want to tell my mum, I love you!

Secondly, I miss him lots. I have not seen him for almost 5 days already. He is very filled up with projects. Remember to take a lot of rest k. I miss you.'

Thirdly, MI carnival is coming, this coming Saturday. I think it will be a rather busy but yet not smooth day. The games not fixed finish yet, not even anything done when i blog about it!! I think that black fornest will find some way to help Vino, I hope so. Is not i trying to bitch about black forest. I sincerely beg her to use her brain to think before answering Miss Chan. I feel like taking sick leave from this event. It is just damn boring event that for sure will not be fun.HATE IT!
SPA is on Monday, I have to study hard.. bye.
Slip Carefully?
Sunday, May 14, 2006 / 3:36 PM
This is actually given by KaiHua. Its damn funny.. Slip carefully?

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I love Class.
Saturday, May 13, 2006 / 8:27 PM
I simply loved Class 95. Thanks for playing such pleasant songs during the nights.
Soothe the mood of those studying hard for exams. I getting fustrated with my Chemical Bonding. Didnt get to concentrate on my lesson, have to do double work, copy the ans for me and CaiYu. Argh!! I think i shall tell her that i will teach her after Miss Chan said finish. I sound mean? I hoped i am NOT!! I just want to concentrate!!
The Story of Kevin Carter.
Thursday, May 11, 2006 / 9:33 PM
I believe most of my friends never heard of this name called Kevin Carter. Well, he was a Photographer, was an award-winning photojournalist. BUT IT IS A WAS! Most people knew him because of his picture, one of the kind. Never will the people over the other side of the world know what actually happened when he took that picture, his feeling and his audience feeling when looking at the picture. The following is the picture:

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If you are a good picture teller, you probably is capable to feature out what is the picture is showing exactly. Saw that well-fed Vulture behind? It was waiting for the child to die, so that it can eat her up. It is really gross, but this is the fact. I do not know why, but when i saw the picture and check up on it, then I realise how sad the picture can be. It looks really simple, but that simplistic behind, hiding something called 'sad'. When this picture was published in Times magazine, alot of people called up and asked whether the child had survived. No answered for it, because it was warned that all the people went over there were not allowed to touch anyone in case of contacting the disease. It was pretty a sad case. And the photographer died after 3 months of the photo. Therefore his name was famous due this picture. It is actually quite sad...

What a slack week..
/ 8:13 PM
Yeah! Finally waited for today, having vesak day tomorrow, simply love PUBLIC HOLIDAY! Well, a bad news is I have to start revising for my General Paper, Mid year is coming. Having SPA and GP during last week, so have to buck up. Hopefully I can do well for my Mid Year! And get into top 3, bet with my mother. Sound so insensible of me. Having a high hope for my both science papers and probably Economics. I will have to practise alot on my Math. Anyway I was on MC yesterday, SKIN ALLERGY! All thanks to Neutrogena Acne Facial Wash, have a very serious outbreak, all those tiny pimples come out. Scary! I will not use that again. Went to see a dermatologist, quite good, clear my tiny pimples within a day, its like miracle. Meeting up with him tomorrow, miss him lotsa!!
I love him... really
Sunday, May 07, 2006 / 8:58 PM
Have a long tired day for yesterday. Intended to go to his home and look for him but turn out that his mother was at home so change plan, he cabbed down to find me actually. Missed our K session. Headed the Cathay to catch When A Stranger calls and Mission Impossible 3. Watch the former first, then after it, we went glass panal Fish&Co and ate fish and chips. But dear do not really like it as he prefer beef more. So next time we go Jack's Place k? Or The Cafe Cartel? Or NYDC? Finish eating, we walked to Clark Quay. He was an DINOSAUR!!! He looks like one! Then went back to The Cathay. Before that went to buy Ben & Jerry ice-cream, not really that nice. Prefer hagen. Now i am trying my best to finish up my chemistry, ever since starting of school, have not really settle down. MYE coming in another month time.
Saturday, May 06, 2006 / 11:59 PM
Finally my blogging mood has possess me again. Long time did not update so today going to update alot.

Firstly i want to tell Eugene is 'I Love You'. Thank you for accepting me, and now you become my meaning of living. I do not know how you felt actually when i told you the truth but at least I know i had already dropped this burden me. And you chose to still love me, that prove you love me. For what I know, I am just a girl. I hope this relationship will stretch as far as possible with our love.
Thats alot of things running through our relationship. Starting Pre-U life is never simple that what mine perspective about. Everyday after school, you just wish once you step out of the classroom, and there will your bed for you. My chatting times with you had cut down due my tireness, and I always tried to talk to you more during the Friday and Saturday. And not to forget, our Saturday dating every week. I simply cannot wait for the new morning ahead. Planning to go for K-box, watch movie, Fish&C0-ing(my love!!) and clark quay-ing. I will be counting down.

Secondly, Mid year exam is coming soon. My GP teacher is starting to count down for remained days to GP exam. So turnoff by the counting. Anyway I am not really looking forward to MI carnival actually. Sound pretty bored over it. Any one want to come, please come and buy the coupons from me. And dear, please try your best to go, and of course accompany me!!!
Things are just getting out of control somtimes.
Sometime I wonder, do i really know the meaning of studying or taking exam. My life turned systematic; wake up, schooling, home, homework, sleep, this cycle goes on for me during weekdays, and only Saturday i then get to enjoy. I think this systematic way of living occurs to everyone especially people who are either schooling or working. To me, we are just becoming to be a daily operating robots.

Lastly is about my friends. Clicking well with my new friends, thats a good sign, but i yet to find a real good buddy like ZhiWei(Oh Ya! Thanks for your necklace, wei). And I am neglecting my sisters. I am really sorry about it. I just wish, one day has more than 24 hours, so that i have more time doing what i enjoyed, SHOPPINGS! Actually this few day quite turned off by the word 'SHOPPING' because of time consuming. Because i knew well enough, I can use the time for my homework and no need to be so harsh on Sunday. Haiz, that will be one a IF!!! IF IF IF IF. Its time to go bed, my eyes are closing. Jesslyn you damn crappy about the freakie!!!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.