Just another entry
Saturday, September 30, 2006 / 10:54 PM
I think I am going to fail my econs paper for yesterday. I did not manage to finish the whole papeer. DAMN! And what the hell strong with me?? I wrote out of point for first question. I feel like banging the wall after reading the good essay. And it is the same question from Mid-Year paper. Damn! Felt so demoralising! It seems like is not a good start for this Promo. Think there might a high chance that i will fail this promo. HOPE I DO NOT! I was just distract by another things around me. Relationship computer and school. Can someone just help me with it? I plead!

Dear Zhiwei

Do not feel so lonely. You still have a lot of friends beside your poly friends. You still have ME, ting, wantian, sook theng, jing cai and etc. So many. If you feel weird hanging out with friends, then hang out with them less. Do not think and worry so much k? :)

Yours Faithfully

Another thing that had been troubled me for a long since the begginning this year and I am really serious affected by this problem. Some time I just wonder am i taking the right path? Going to MI? Sometimes i felt so depressed, when I saw my friends like HuiDong, Tracy. One is that I did not make it for JC at 2005. Another thought is they are graduating soon!! And I am just the beginning of A level Journey. It really make me felt so depressing. Though sometime I did not mention it, but I really feel the shameless inside me. I kept questioned myself, WHY DID NOT I PERFORM!!! WHY!!! Sometimes I just feel like giving up education because at the end of the day I still did not manage to go the destination that I longed for. Whenever I tell my MI friends how regret I am, I had the urge to cry out. Up till now, almost 2 years are gone, I still think I am just a stupid person, REALLY STUPID! What makes me to deserve such a lousy grade. I did work hard I DID!! But why at the end I still did not end up in JC! This pressure is simply driving me crazy! What if this happen again to me when I gets back my A level? Shall I just die? I think is really pointless to live on. I think maybe I am just stupid like Gene always said me. PROBABLY I AM!
Tml GP
Sunday, September 24, 2006 / 3:21 PM
Yeah! Had my first paid for tution. Seriously i am getting impatient to answer those real simple question. SUAN LE.

I miss him and yes i doo
Thursday, September 21, 2006 / 9:30 PM
It had been six days when i last met him. I am now having a cold war with him. I am having my exams soon, probably let the both of us walk separate way temporary might be the best solution. I MISS HIM!! I wonder do i love him as usual or he is just becoming part of my life. Whatever it is, i just find my life weird. I will do my best for my exams.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006 / 5:42 PM
I am sick finally.
Friday, September 15, 2006 / 11:39 PM
Thanks god for letting me to be sick for today. I think I am insane, crazy. Finally, finally, i was sick again. Have a slight fever over the night yesterday, and flu. WAHAHA. At least the day off really able to let me have a great rest. Everything is chasing after me. Alot of homeworks, tests and PROMO!! I am still left with around 11 days till my promo start. First paper is GP, follow by Econs. Hope i can do well. Really a WELL!!
Monday, September 11, 2006 / 10:56 PM
I BACK IN SCHOOL AFTER THE HOLIDAY!!! Anyway, there is really something to blog about today! I am going for my virgin detention. GOD DAMN IT!! I skipped school on teacher's day celebration. Some thing to clarify probably, i skipped is not because my HT are not there on school, i just felt so stupid to wear outfit and went there to sit and watch the whole celebration. So it is school event? If you are to make the options for the student, i think maybe 95% of the people will choose not to turn up. One reason is we belong to the normal population of students. WE ARE NORMAL! Some thing to cheer about probably. And all my good girlfriends and dear are all having their 7 or 8 weeks holiday. Freaking cool. I am now enduring my last round of marathon. As soon as I finish the whole marathon, i will play play play and PRAY! Hope I can really did wel. IS THAT KIND OF REALLY!!
Sunday, September 10, 2006 / 2:11 PM
I WANT TO SHOUT MY LUNGS OUT!! Fcuk this world with all the unfairness! STOP PESTERING ME WITH ALL THE QUESTIONS, WHETHER AM I UNHAPPY WITH YOU! Does it matter to you at all? NO!! I wish the holiday never end so I no need to face you at all.

And this is a shout out to you EUGENE KOH! Whats really wrong with you? Why are you always feeling down? Why do you have to give me attitude as and when you like? Why do you have to off your phone? Why do you have to think of death? Why do you have to think of the bad side? WHY WHY WHY??!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006 / 11:59 PM
Did enjoy myself today, though i was freaking tired now. DAMN, i was suffering from the same thing over again and again. Maybe i shall to go for a checkup? Met all the girls and boy at BPP Mac at 10, took a bus down to Mandai, walked a distance before the only bus which go to the Zoo arrived. Saw a BBQ lizard on the way, Sihui tripped over it. GROSS!!

I think Cheers over there are having some daylight robbery? A mineral water cost $3.00? A 100-plus cost $3.20? That is at least double of the price which you normally find out there. Maybe it is because that is a tourist attractions, and you had to rob their wallet.

Took numerous pictures of the wild life animals. The most unforgettable is the hiss cockcroach. DAMMMMMMNNNNN DISGUSTING!! Think there at least a hundred of it in a glass container. Is really gross!! Another is the superb giant CROCs. Is really huge! really huge! I really wonder how does the past Steve Irwin able to conquer them, well he WAS a hero in those wild lover. Left the crowd at 3 pm with hui and dear.

Meet them back at K box over at Cine. Sang from 7.30 to 3.30am, damn tired, really tired. I had so many homeworks not done yet. SICK!!
I am near to broke.
Saturday, September 02, 2006 / 10:35 PM
GOSH!! I spent quite alot of money today. Bought a billabong pencil case at lot one billabong store. TWENTY BUCKS for 'Billabong', Plain Design. And i recieved attitude service. Have to change my pencil case for three time, even the last time, wording is also abit not in good condition. DAMN BLOODY. Thanks to HuiPing!!!
After that went up to the library, had some part of the project done. Out of the blue, KaiHua suggested to go for a K session. So we went except for DJ, he had to go for Pesta Sukan. The next K session was at 1pm, then we still have some time to waste or pass, choose to go X-zone. DAMN it. Cheat my 2 bucks. BITCHY. K till 3.30? Went to find dear for his break.
Dinner time is here. Had dinner with double WT. Had thai style fish head, damn NICE. After dinner, went up to ting's home and had a chat. That's all.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.