Just Another ENTRY!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 / 7:07 PM
I lost my wallet today!!! GOD!! 70 bucks and all my cards privilege cards IC ez-link. DAMN. Realise that I lost my wallet only when I wanted to pay my meal at Golden Mile there. Was with dear to get his passport extend. SUAY! Went back to ICA Building to check whether anyone picked up the wallet. THANKS GOD!!! Some nice people out there picked up my wallet and give it to the security guards. LUCKY ME!!! =) Zhiwei and KaiHua also happen to lost their wallet this OCT!! SUAY!

Another thing is EUGENE get his new hairstyle. SI BEI BENG!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006 / 11:59 PM
Just Another Entry
Sunday, October 22, 2006 / 1:16 PM
I had back all my results already and of course, my result slip. Did quite badly damn sad. Promoted, inside top 10% and 2 As. A handful of the people have to leave MI. Kaihua Jess Sawwah Jasmine and etc. Will miss them. One thing that I thought to be quite shocking is that someone in the class promoted. Anyway none of my business since the school is ending soon :)

Weeee~ Gene and Me bought another couple ring on 20th. Wahaha, it is my third couple ring already. Bought it at Couple Lab, $88. Nice design I must say but not really practical eh uh. Cox we keep getting rings. Maybe we shall change abit. haha.

Waiting for tuesday Hari Raya to arrive. Going out with Mrs Heng(chinese teacher) to go YUM CHA at toa payoh, she is treating the whole class.

And ya, went to Vivo yesterday. Super noisy and alot of people. Alot of stores!!! REALLY alot! Its like another suntec but more happening than suntec as in the choices of stores is also more. Great Place for shopping till you broke.
Crazy about goong
Sunday, October 15, 2006 / 4:21 AM
I am simply crazy about goong. DAMN nice! AWWW!!! I think thats the way how i craze about Meteor Garden 1 also. haha.. Fantasy!! This is one of my favourite MV in youtube :)

Just Another Entry
Wednesday, October 11, 2006 / 6:54 PM
Went to East Coast on Monday. Learnt roller blating. Damn scary, it is even worse than the promotion examination. ARHHH. Cycled also. Fun and Fun. Cycled to an end only.

After that went to watch Singapore Dreaming. It is really nice! Real and real. Quite touching. There is a statement made by the China girl inside the movie. She said : Singaporean gave up their dream for the sake of money. Whereas, China People do everythings they can to earn money just to pursue their dream. I think it is damn true. Even if you would to ask me whether I want to have a job which earned alot of money or a job which i truly enjoyed but earned very little. I think I will probably choose former. In Singapore, it is rather hard to dream. Maybe I shall say, MONEY TALKS in this world. Everyone wants to live in condos mansion etc, driving big cars, having lots lots lots of money. People looking at your qualification, it does not matter whether you graduate from overseas or local, moreover it is the NAME of institutes that the employer are looking at. Owing a degree is a success in life if not you are a failure. Since young we have been cultivated to think like that, maybe we shall say that we are brainwashed by our parents. What a joke right? However comes to think of it, probably more than proportionate of Singaporeans do not have a dream or maybe dreaming something that is not what he truly wants.

Another thing is the craze about Goong aka Princess Hours. It is a nice drama. Nice clothes, nice decorations, nice songs, handsome actor :) Everything seems so perfect in that kind of life.
Just Another Entry
Saturday, October 07, 2006 / 5:38 PM
Finally, everything is over. I think I shall be able to promote. Every paper is fine except MATHS!! The one that I am most capable of, now it just SUCKS. This is my first time worrying whether I can promote to next level anot? In secondary days, this was never my problem, I would be wondering my ranking. But now, I worried about promoting and also, my ranking. I still want to be top ten percent. I want to prove to Eugene! I can if I want.

The haze is simply wanting my life. So thick. ARRhhhh.. I damn bored the whole day. I think during the holiday, I am planning to go for GP tution and also practise and practise all my Maths. DARN! Wei, can you please ask your sister to give me her F Maths Textbook? Message me okay... Thanks. There is alot alot things to be done for this coming two months holiday. I want to clear all my doubts before promoting to year 2. Next year I will taking Project Work, Physics and Chinese, hopes that I can get all As. Before I really stepped into this school, I told myself, I must get ALL As, I want and I must work hard. =)
Just Another Entry
Tuesday, October 03, 2006 / 6:49 PM
To Wei

Thanks girl. I love you. I guess this thinking will never erase away from my mind. And I hope that will be the only regret. I just want to do very well for my A level and get into Uni. And you must too!! Study hard ah!!! Do not always go out dating, concentrate on studies and I wish both of us can make it to there. Next year I am having A level already, taking all H1 subjects. I love you.

Signs off

I still have 3 more papers to go on. Please god I just want to pass. My GP and Econs paper are gone case by now. I just wish that all the remaining subjects can do well. Please. Dear please pray hard for me! =)



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.