Happy CNY
Sunday, February 25, 2007 / 6:40 PM
CNY was so bored. Chu yi and er slack and slack. Chu san went out with dear to River Ang Bao, bored event. Had dinner at it's dim sum - food so so, price abit steep. Took cab back home after that.

Schools started. On friday, went out with wei and huiping. Bought her a gift - perfume, hope she likes it. Its sweet scent, brand name - Love Morgan. Tempted to buy it for myself. Went Marina to slack around. Shop around aimlessly. I need MONEY!!

On saturday, met out with huiping and huijuan for lunch at BPP - Bi Feng Dan. Met up with the girls in my class to go Mrs Cheong home. Its really nice, excuetive apartment, plenty of playstation games. haha. Went back home after awhile. HAPPY Birthday wei too.

Sunday, brisk walking with dear in the early morning. Went to give tution, and met up hui. Had Delifrance. Do some shoppings, another 50 bucks gone just for today :( I think I must start savings, because I am real damn broke.

See, how boring my life has been. Haiz.
Happy Valentines Day 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 / 11:59 PM
Happy valentines day to everyone! Though it is a valentines day i still have to go school. I am so freaking tired. Anyway Thanks dear for the bouquet of flower. 3 red roses and 21 pink roses. And 2 kim samsoon pigs. Thanks. haha. I myself bought a bear for him too. Went to cafe cartel to have dinner and play some arcade and went back home early as he tml still have to go to school for his final year exams.

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This is also the 3rd valentines day spending with him.

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This is the second year. 27 RED roses! Is really enjoyable to be with him :)
Hate rules. I want to break free.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007 / 10:16 PM
I want to break free!!!
Hate rules!!!
Rules are made by human but yet rules are not flexible so do bloody human.

Is another 17 months more for me to break away from this sucky school(excluding holidays).

Can anyone please rescue me and tell me what shall i do for this entire life.

I have too many regrets for my this life which i can never erase. Is not easy to put down everythings and walk away.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.