Happy 2nd Anniversary
Monday, March 26, 2007 / 7:27 PM
Happy 2nd Anniversary!!! I love EUGENE KOH SHENG HENG!!!

It has been 2 years together, 730.5days together. And you have been the best boyfriend in my life and I wish is forever. Really thanks! I am now anitcipate the coming Thailand trip with you, hope we will be able to spend a nice time together with you.


This is the uZap that he bought for me. hehe.. Thanks.

This is the bouquet of lilies that he bought for me. Smells nice. Still inside my room. Really nice.
Holidays are ending soon
Friday, March 16, 2007 / 11:04 AM
Have a very boring holidays. Superb boring. Still quite a number of homework not yet complete. Anyway change my blogskins, find this really adorable. Going for british council entry test, pray hard.
Finally Holiday is here.
Sunday, March 11, 2007 / 8:36 PM
Finally, holiday is here. Anyway, i still have to work even harder for the holiday. I wish i can slack at home for one whole day without any disturbance. There is really alot of things to catch up. Damn LOT! I have to force myself to work hard in order to get a place in my desire course at NUS. I did terrible for my common test. A B S. Damn!

This is for zhiwei. Just hang on if you still can tolerate. Break away when you cant take it anymore.

Mrs Cheong is leaving after the March holiday. I will miss her. She is a nice math teacher. MI is simply a crazy school.

Save and Scrimp. I want to get my room paint white and get new furniture( black ). My room to be just white and black. Be simple.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.