Kaki Bukit Prison Visit
Friday, August 31, 2007 / 10:29 AM
Today is my GP Promo exam. As usual, it just sucks! After GP, my class girls went for a learning journey over at Kaki Bukit Prison (somewhere around bedok).

Kaki Bukit Prison is not really considered as a prison, it is more towards a prison which provide eudcation to the inmates. From what I had seen, it is really a good way to give those inmates who are not eudcated a new skill, so when they come out, they will be able to find a stable job and be a good citizen. The inmates took up 'N', 'O' and 'A' level during their stay. I must admit that they really did much better than those neighbourhood school. Most of the subjects they took are above national average. There was one inmate managed to score SEVEN DISTINCTIONS in 'O' level. I thought that was a WOW!

Prison food is quite tasty, but it is plain. Their meal only consists of two tau-po, vegetables and white rice. The cell is still alright. Quite similar to those that we saw in television. There is also a multimedia room. Some of the inmates who are 'working' as a multimedia member actually designed well.

Lastly, it was the starfish pillar. It was a pillar with a number of starfishes sticked at the top of it. There is a story behind it. Here goes the story:

The Story of the Starfish
At the waters edge on the eastern coast of Australia,
a small child was throwing beached Starfish into the churning surf
one right after the another. Each starfish was briefly examined and then flung back in to the ocean from which it involuntarily came.
A tourist watched with curiosity
as his leisurely steps brought him closer and closer to the child. "What are you doing?", the older gentleman asked.
"Saving Starfish!" the child responded,
all the while continuing the task at hand.
With bemusement but kindness the man said,
"It's a noble attempt but I doubt if all your effort
will really make much of a difference."
The child paused for only a moment
and then continued hurling yet another starfish to safety.
"It will make a difference to THAT ONE!"

The moral of the story is although one cannot make a difference to every inmates, but at least there is one inmate that they (prison officer) helped and change for the better. I thought that was really a nice story.

Prejudice againist inmates is not a new issue.Although, Yellow Ribbon society was set up long ago, but it does not have much effect in changing the public's mindset. All the inmates want is just a SECOND CHANCE to prove themseleves.

Okay, here i end my entry for the day. BYE!
Monday, August 27, 2007 / 7:22 PM
I am only left with two more weeks to my Promo. Today I got back my mock spa, did better than average but I think it is still not good enough. Mock chem today is HORRIBLE! I did not studied at all, most of the questions I attempted are those which I still remember my concepts here and there. I need to mug damn hard for this Promo. Only two more weeks lor!

Teacher's day celebration is on the comng friday. HAHA!
/ 7:19 PM
Happy 29th month-niversary!
Love YOU!

Had cheese fondue pizza over at Marina Square. It is too cheesy for me. I sweared!
Sunday, August 19, 2007 / 10:22 PM
Yipeee!!! Okay, I am damn excited. I am really looking forward to going Genting on 31 Aug with darling. This is mine first time ever going overseas without my parents or any authority with me. I am also looking forward to indulging myself in fun and excitement. What more can I be expecting? On top of all anticipation, my parents promised to sponsor me with SGD 250. Well, for that moment I think I am the most luckiest girl in the world to have such a good parents. WAHAHA! Money is MIGHTY!

Here, I want to wish Dear good luck for his exams tomorrow. I will be having my mock spa tomorrow too. God, please bless me.

Okay I will end here, bye.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007 / 8:42 PM
Celebrated National Day today in school. Not as fun as compared to last year. Last Year national day just rock from the bottom of my heart, but my friends and i just cannot join in due to some thing.

The whole school was watching Mr Brown's Show.
Tittle: Talking Cock In Parliament

This is really really nice and funny.

And what is my favourite National Day Song!!!
It is Where I belong sang by Tanya Chua.
Favourite among the favourites!

Day-dreaming OR A Goal?
Sunday, August 05, 2007 / 12:34 AM
Cupcakes given by my kind neighbour.
My neighbour was holding housewarming today. They invited my family over, but we did not went. In the end they gave us some dessert. They are friendly husband and wife. Anyway, their home is damn modern and nice. But one thing I really dislike about their home is their DOG! Really can not stand the dog barking. Irritating.
Today went to Xin Wang Cafe at Marina SQ. While waiting for our mango ice to melt, we were really talking about our life. He mentioned that one of his friend told him not be too ambition as it will only bring more stress.
In my opinion, stress is necessary to push you further. Without stress, you will not go for the extra mile. If you do have the capability to be the best among the best, then why not be ambition? To me, my dear is someone who can be one of the successful persons. I do not praise him in my blog just because he is my boyfriend. But I can really see that he always try to put his very own best in his studies, relationship, family and friends. And thats are all the requirement for a successful person. One of my friends actually said that although Eugene may be smart but he might not be successful in future as he was not someone who can communicate well. I think Eugene can communicate quite good and also, he has a very good presenting skills. I think you just can not judge a person by just seeing him for a few times. Anyway, I do have faith in him to be a successful person in the future. Please do not disappoint me.
As for me, I do wish I can be one of those career women. Nowadays, I am really mugging hard for my subjects especially GP. I have to conquer GP, if not, I will never be able accomplish my promise to myself. Some of my friends may think my dream is not realistic, but as long as A level is not over, I still have the rights to dream. And I do believe I can make a difference in my life.
Friday, August 03, 2007 / 10:40 PM
I am pretty pissed over some minor matter at this moment. Forget it, I do not want to mention it.

British Council lesson change from Friday night to Thursday Night. Well, my first lesson(for thursday night) was yesterday. Things went fine, a good start probably.

I nearly cannot get myself out of my bed today. I am REALLY tired. But I am told myself; for this whole semester 2, I am not suppose to skip any day because of my laziness! I hope I can substantiate the promise I made to myself. I cannot afford to skip school anymore. I skipped school NINE times in the last five months. Can you believe it? And I was late for SEVEN times in the last five months too. Back in Seconday, I was never late before. Maybe is because, the school is too near my home.

Seriously, some times i really do think, MI is a place where 'DOOM' actually occurs. The students over there jolly well know that their ultimate aim is to get into UNIVERSITY. But what I see from my class during Economics lesson makes me wonder, what if they do not make it for Year 3, where are they suppose to go? Retain? Go Poly? Go take Private? I really do not know the answer. I swear my clinque is different from others, probably is because we like to compare results with my clinque. Who don't wish to be the best?

Well for other cliques, beside not paying attention during MOST lessons, lack of urgency kill them. There is this classmate of mine getting S U U U U U U(5Us) for this time round mid-year. Somes might be slightly better, getting D/C & 5Us. And worst, a guy(my whole class dislike him) in my class actually gets THREE out of HUNDRED for Math paper(Probably god is punishing him, wahaha). Can you believe it? I am really worried for my friends(those who I interact with often). If this continue, I can predict that two-third of my class will be leaving the school. Promotion requirement for MI is consider the most most basic requirement in A level compared to those JCs. Well, some thing just has to be done.

Nowadays, I can see Greta is really working hard. At least she starts to clarify her doubts with HuiPing and I. But she still has to work much more harder than present. I really hope she will be promote to year 3.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.