A serie of events
Tuesday, October 23, 2007 / 10:13 PM
For the past week, it could be the most happening week to me for this entire year.

On thursday, my class had hand in Written Report for A level submission, thus most of my classmates stayed up till quite late in school to finish up.

I was damn tired, moreover, I left school at around 7pm, so I decided not to go for Britisih Council. I went to look for Eugene instead of going back home. I was doing nothing but watching videos in his laptop.

When I wanted to go home, we walked down the stairs to 6th storey to take lift. AND I saw a abandoned rabbit. It is soooooooo KE LIAN! How can any human being bears to abandon such an adorable rabbit! It is a white rabbit with red eyes though. So, out of sympathic, I decided to take it back home.

Her new name will be Tiffany!

After a few days of observation, I realised that its left ear is abit handicapped, its left eye seems to be blind or whatever and it is PREGNANT! This leads me to think that this rabbit was abused by its previous owner. But I still do not think the previous owner should abandon the rabbit just because of all its short-coming! It is a LIVING ANIMAL! It is a LIFE! I cannot imagine what will be the life of the rabbit if I had chosen not to bring it back home! Probably, it will tortured to death by children OR send to SPCA for lethal execution! And I think, I did make a right choice in bringing it back home! So here I beg GOD(if he really exists) to punish people who buy pets out of fun, soon after the fun, they abandon animals! THIS IS CALLED CRUELTY! They deserved to be punish!

Secondly, on Saturday, when I was going back home from Eug's home. There was an accident in BKE! And I saw the dead female corpse! I was quite emotionless. This is my second time already! No feelings! But may the person rest in peace.

Lastly, my family had my home repainted for the past Sat and Sun. I think the total cost of repainting should be around $1300? And I swopped room with my brother. Sad, after staying in my room for almost 7 years, I had to chang room with them! SAD! Haiz.

Thats all! Bye!
Story of Thumbdrive
Thursday, October 18, 2007 / 9:31 PM
Well let me talk about my this used to be know as Lost thumbdrive. I actually lost this very first thumbdrive in one of m school computer lab. What make it more special that is I attached a unqiue and only one piece in the whole universe keychain to my thumbdrive.

But amazingly! I found back it with my precious thumbdrive gone. I am not going to pursure who is the one who stole it and also, chase after the person who take away the keychain. Afterall, I found it back =)
Wednesday, October 17, 2007 / 8:22 PM

Monday, October 15, 2007 / 11:15 AM
Shouldnt I be studying really hard for the past two days? Guess what? I spent the whole 2 days doing nothing but watch tv and sleep. As I am typing this entry, I am meeting up with HJ later to have her Mac Book adapter change. I am still wondering which movie should I watch with dear later? Brothers? Or Lust, Caution? I wanted to watch Lust, Caution but the local version might not worth ticket price. :'(

A minute later.

Okay I decided, we will watch BALLS OF FURY!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 / 11:10 PM
Today is rather upset. Today is the day to know the promotion status(whether you get promote/advance/retain/ask to leave). Half of my class students did not make it to the next year, although some managed to be advanced. I am seriously upset. Although we are only together for less than a year, but we get along well. We are united as one whole class, somehow I just felt sad when I know some of us did not make it. A number of people cried and some were trying to stay calm. I do not know what is the exact things to say to them, but I really want to say leaving MI is not the end of the road, there are alot of better ways than this. And probably, leaving MI might be a better choice if you see it in long run. So, please do not get too upset about this promotion. I sincerely hope those will be fine and be strong to face it. :)

Please do not be sad. I know you are capable of doing better. JIA YOU!
Thursday, October 04, 2007 / 11:30 PM
When you sent that message to me, my whole heart sank after reading it. It is true, recently we behave more like friends with the exception of calling each other 'dear'. Right now, while I am typing this entry, a feeling, a strong feeling that this relationship will end sooner or later. When we came back from Genting, everything starts to have a 180 degrees change. We start to behave more like causal friends with just a few sms or even none per day. Sometimes at night, we do not even have our small chat. We often quarrel over the most trivia matter. We often bo chap each other personal life. You are working eveyday and yet I am studying everyday. Our dating session is getting from once per week to once per few weeks. Everything changes and nothing lasts forever.

Probably a few months down the road, we are already behaving like strangers. But at least I know, at this very right moment I still love you as before. Probably little compared to the past but I still love you.

Malaysia Trip
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 / 10:29 PM
I went to Malaysia with my parents and da sao. On friday it was damn bored except I was playing happily with my two nephews.

Then came the second day, which we spent the time in the morning going around hospital after hospital, doctor after doctor to confirm my uncle's illness.
Then, the youngest uncle drove us around Ipoh.

Although my parents and I frequent Ipoh, but I had never ever drink the very traditional Ipoh white coffee. Usually I always make the coffee from the Old Town Ipoh White Coffee instant pack. But this time round, we went to the place where white coffee orignated from. It is a very old coffeeshop and furniture are really worn and tear. Anyway, the Ipoh White Coffee(IWC) is the BEST OF THE BEST coffee I ever had in my life and I am sure that it will always be the best coffee ever in my life also!

When you first take a sip of it, your mouth is filled with liquid that taste like melted dark chocolate but yet it has strong smell of coffee. The coffee is thick in texture and yet it is 'smooth'. Anyway, for a person like me who do not appreciate white coffee, I still love IPC. It was also awarded with a number of awards and reviewed in some tourism magazines. This further implies the white coffee is definitely coffee to die for. The best of all is! It only cost 1.20 RINGGIT!

Another wonderful experienced is the visit to PUTRAJAYA!
Putrajaya is considered a city or place filled wonderful street lights, beautiful and unique buildings and of course, a wonderful landscape. A picture speaks a thousand words. Enjoy the following pictures.


International Convention Centre

Office of Malaysia Prime Minister
Dont you think it looks familar?





.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.