Tuesday, November 27, 2007 / 12:50 AM
Song listening right now: First Love

I just reached back home from watching Enchanted. I will rate it 4.5 stars out of 5. It is definitely worth the ticket price. I loved the chipmunk in the movie. It is so damn adorable la! It is really adorable.

I just reached back home from watching Enchanted. I will rate it 4.5 stars out of 5. It is definitely worth the ticket price. I loved the chipmunk in the movie. It is so damn adorable la! It is really adorable.

Another must watch movie is The Game Plan. Watched it with hj hp greta. If you are looking for a movie which display the kinship in a comedy way, then this movie is made for you.

There are still alot of movies I want to catch before it stop showing cinema.
1) Doraemon: Nobita's Dinosaur 2006
2) Bee Movie
3) Stardust

How I wish, I can watch all the movies at one shot.

And the upcoming movies that I must watch.
1) Hitman
2) 30 Days of Night
3) Death Sentence
4) The Tattooist
5) Alvin and The Chipmunk
6) The National Treasure: The book of Secrets
7) I am Legend

Thats all. Dear, you know what to do now?
Karu's Indian Banana Leaf Restaurant
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 / 10:21 PM
Finally Physics papers are over!

Met up with Darren HJ Kevin Vanessa. Had dinner at Karu's Indian Banana Leaf Restaurant. I sweared that is the best fish curry I had in my life! Seriously, I really love the fish curry. The price is definitely reasonable for such a delicious food. We had Chicken51, sambal prawn, sotong, mutton and fish cutlet. Seriously, I was more than satisfied with eating the rice only with the fish curry. That is probably the best indian meal I had so far. Die die must try!

It is located in Bukit Panjang. There is a lot of buses that go there: 178, 171, 963, 67, 961, 170
It just next to the condominium (The Linear) which is next to the petrol station. It is inside those old shophouses. Once you see old shophouses, you can press the bus bell and alight. I couldnt find pictures of that place, if not it will be easier to identify.
Brother's wedding
Friday, November 16, 2007 / 10:02 PM
The following photos are taken by the wedding studio people, I love these few shoots..

On 16 Nov, it was the wedding dinner. It was held at Furama Riverfront Hotel. Everything went fine except for the fish. As the chief chef did not manage his job properly, the fish was not cooked when served. Thats why all the fishes have to throw away. My brother was damn fed up with it. Another problem is their service. One of the waiters accidentally poured the red wine on to my relatives. That even made my brother more angry. In the end, because of the fishes, they have no choice but to give 35% discount

Seriously, Furama riverfront is a four star hotel and even received excellent service award but from their service attitude during the dinner, I think the judges must be blind to give them such an honourable award. However, the waiter who served us that day is rather good.

Finally, everything settled. I miss my boy boy!! Hope I can go back Malaysia for upcoming chinese new year.
Bad experince at Ikea (Queensway)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / 11:04 AM
I went to buy my new study desk on sunday with my family members.
This my new study desk.
I recieved an extremely horrible service from there. I actually lodge a complain to the Ikea management online. The following paragragh is what I have wrote to them:

I went to Ikea (Queensway) on 11 November 2007. I bought a study desk from there. When i went to the merchandise pick-up point to collect the desk, it was already closed to 9pm. But I waited for more than 30minutes for my desk to arrive. However, in fact the desk already arrived before 9.30pm. But my number was not called and your 2 young staff did not bother to call out my number. When people behind me already took their stuff and happily paid it, I was still waiting for the desk to arrive. When I asked your staff why they didn’t call my number to ask me to collect my desk, they actually IGNORED me. I am totally disappointed with the service they provided. This experience gives me a lesson that cheap and nice furniture does not come with good service. This is an experience I would like to share with shoppers of Ikea so that they can be more informed about the services they provide.

On the next day(monday), they actually replied me this:

Dear Ms Lee Pui Leng

Thank you for taking time to send IKEA on-line comments. Please accept our sincere apologies over the waiting time and theinconvenience caused. Our Store Operations Management will definitely gothrough the details of your comments and investigate internally on staffservice failure as described. Rest assured too that IKEA takes a seriousview on customer feedback. I take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support of IKEA. Andshould you need further information or assistance urgently, you are welcometo contact me directly.

I only hope the management team will actually bother to find out who is the staff and give him a stern warning. This is my first time to be so angry with a saleperson service. How can any saleperson just ignored customer like that? And the attitude he gave me as thought he owned Da Vinci Furniture boutique and I only buy something from there that cost 10 cents.

Now I also realise..

Good and cheap stuff does come with good service! Ikea has always branded themselves as a place where good and cheap furniture comes with good service. But nah! So, Ikea, you still have alot more to go when it comes to serving customers.

Back to today. After work, I went to look for dear. Had dinner with dear and his mom. His mom is nice to me. I mean really nice. But my mom is also nice to dear. My mom actually paid for dear's cab fare but she never paid for my cab fare :) So dear, next time you better dont say only your mom treat you good hor!

The next thing on my mind is the cruise! I wanted to bangkok! Hopefully I can persuade dear to persuade his mom to go. HAHA! After dinner, dear and I went to Henderson industrial park to get office chair for my new study desk. Bought one for $135 and the colour is lemon.. Hope it will turn out to be nice. I will upload a photo when it is deliver to my home on friday.
Thursday, November 08, 2007 / 11:05 PM
I cant believe it! I woke at near 1pm. Probably, I was just too tired. Dear asked me whether I wanted to go on criuse with him and his mom, and his mom is willing to pay for the trip for me. I am thinking hard whether should I go.

Now, I have not even started on practising on my Physics MCQ! Oh ya, this reminds me to look up for my O-level Physics TYS for Greta!

We went to Tampines Ikea, hoping to get the desk by today. But end up getting nothing at all because I suddenly felt like going other place beside Ikea to look for my study desk. Had PASTA MANIA at Tampines Mall.

Seriously, after graduated from secondary school, I gained almost 20kg! Thanks to dear continously feeding. He taught me how to eat good food, how to dine at restaurant and how buy more branded goods for myself.

When I was back in Secondary school, I was always said that I would only look at stuff which has good design instead of brand. But then, I slowly realised that most of good design goods are branded goods. And this further lead me to think and dream about branded goods.

As I always said to my friends, when I start the holiday work after A-level next year, I will buy a GUCCI handbag! And I mean it! I really love Gucci products right from handbag to shoes.

I went out with mom on Tuesday to shop for her evening dress. I wanted to buy another Guess handbag as my mom willing to pay for it. But I ended getting nothing as the range over there did not make me fall in love with it. And mom wanted to get Bonia but it was only left with the display set. SO SHITTY!

And we celebrated our 31st mon-niversary at 26 Oct 07. We went to MY SECRET GARDEN( Dear had a hole in his pocket. The reason why we went there is purely out of curiosity. Before discount, the dinner is $90++, then after discoun for DBS mastercard, the bill is then $80! I sweared this meal is quite expensive. I had a seafood spaghetti ($22), dessert ($8) and a sparkling drink ($8). Whereas, dear had steak ($28) and cocktail ($14). See, we actually did not eat alot! The spaghetti is just so-so, it is almost the same as spaghetti over at Pasta Mania. But the steak is definitely nice. Although the ambience is great but it is way too expensive for teenagers! I think I will not go back again unless I am going to celebrate a occasion which needs a romantic ambience.

Another restaurant, I want to dine at is Clinic. WAHAHA!

Thats all! Bye!
Monday, November 05, 2007 / 10:50 PM
This post is deleted as it contains high vulgarities content!
A nice day with my beloved friend.
Friday, November 02, 2007 / 11:55 PM
I woke early today to get my I&R done for A level submission, then I headed to school for Huijuan's group Oral Presentation. After that, greta HP and I went off to West Mall to get a quick bite before I met up with Zhiwei.

I officially taking offer Zhiwei's job. I sweared I was damn tired then, I nearly fell asleep while Zhiwei was trying her best to teach me how to do the necessary job. After work, we went to The Central. I treated wei eat miniature donuts and muffin and in return, she treated me a dinner at Pasta Waraku. Thanks wei.

After dinner, we decided to go walk around Clark Quay. When is the last time I have such a long chat with her? I also do not know. Haha.
Finally! PW IS OVER!
Thursday, November 01, 2007 / 11:27 PM
FINALLY! The day has finally arrived! PW is finally over for me. Seriously, I felt so much relax after my OP! Seriously, PW SUCKS BIG TIME! During Oral Presentation, I made a number of silly mistakes! This make me felt damn sad after the presentation. Anyway, whatever is over is over, so next move for the next 20 days will be focusing on Physics MCQ! I sweared I must really do well for it, so as to help me to pull up the overall. And I really screwed up in Physics Paper 2.

I will be working from tommorrow onwards! MONEY MONEY MONEY!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.