Happy Valentines Day!
Thursday, February 14, 2008 / 9:27 PM
Happy Valentines Day to ALL!

Dear thanks for the roses :)
Instead of going out with Dear today, I went out with my friends. Dear is having exams tomorrow, so I shall be a nice girlfriend to let him study. Had ThaiExpress for our lunch over at PS. Addicted to tom yam soup! Damn nice! The bus that we boarded to PS was damn crowded! We stood at the tiny corner for more 45 minutes! WE SQUEEZED in that tiny corner! That was a total of 7 people squeezing around. Pathetic!
All the best to dear for his upcoming exams! Love you. Must get GPA 4.0 hor!
Happy CNY!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008 / 7:44 PM

Hope everyone enjoyed their CNY!
Yesterday was a great day to me. I brought my neighbour's dog, Oscar, for a walk at midnight. It was fun and it feels great. My neighbours are uber nice! Love their dog! Actually it is not an intelligent dog! HAHA! But i really enjoyed playing with it.

Cute right?
Sunday, February 03, 2008 / 9:18 PM
Last week was packed and exhausted for almost everyday. I failed my 2.4km. DAMN! 2.4km rum is such a torture. HAIZ!

I was angry with Dear on friday. Quite pissed off with him. Dont wish to mention it here.

You said you will spend your time fruitfully revising your work but ended up, you went to play mahjong. Disappointing isnt it?



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.