I hate it!
Saturday, June 28, 2008 / 6:46 PM
DAMN! I was very fucking pissed!


Just when I thought that was the final bad thing occurred to me for today, my mom shouted for me when she was there, standing next to washing machine and hold my favourite tees! MY ASSHOLE BROTHER JEANS 'coloured' my tees! DAMN! DAMN DAMN DAMN! I was pissed off to the MAX! I could not believe it! This is the first time I wore this but yet it is gone just like that! FUCK LA! KAN NI NA! I dont know how many time must I tell him that DONT THROW YOUR JEANS INTO THE WASHING MACHINE! KNN! NOW MY TEES IS COLOURED, HAPPY ALREADY LA! NAH BEI!

Friday, June 27, 2008 / 10:22 AM
I was wondering if any Starhub users and intend to change your handset, if is so, tag me k! I got this 30 dollars off. Check out the websitewww.starhub.com/partnerpromo08. If there is a phone that you wanted and you want this also, message me!
Thursday, June 26, 2008 / 11:53 AM
Happy 39th months, dear!

Went to Clementi wood Sakura buffet to have dinner last night. Buffet was VERY average! But for the price of 26 dollars, the range and quality were still quite good. I love the drinks more than the food :) Especially hot green tea!

After dinner, something was wrong with dear's bike! So we had to ride to Aloy's home to borrow his toolbox. Bumped in Aloy's mom and dad. His dad was quite cute and handsome for a father who has 2 kids aged around 18. HAHA! His mom is damn funny. Seriously, I do agree with Dear that aloy's parents are really an ideal set of parents. Although they may not be wealthy enough to satisfy all the material wants that a teenage always desire, but they are parents who set good example and let their children to pursue their interest, rather than pursuing their parents' interest. Also, they behave as though they are their kids' friends rather than kids' parents. But my parents is not bad too. Except that my parents like to compare my academic performance with others :(

Catched Get Smart at GV grand. The show is damn hilarious! I likes Angel 99 though. Worth the ticket price!

I wanted to catch Wanted, 10 Promises To My Dog, Hancock and MUMMY!
Monday, June 23, 2008 / 6:53 PM
A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs.
B) Tag as many friends as you can to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by.
C) Continue this game by sending it to other people.

#1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Ans: Definitely a break-up! If he ever betray you, it would only means you are no longer on his top pirority =)

#2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
Ans: erm.... Living an ideal lifestyle, just like in Sex and the City. I love Samantha! And having a perfect apearance like Heidi Klum? I know it is more than 1 dream, but I would seriously prefer the former to come true!

#3. What will your dream wedding to be like?
Ans: >5 carat diamond wedding ring =D Banquet at high class places. Also! Have VW beetle converter as my wedding car. I love VW beetle!

#4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?
Ans: Of course! Uni admission seems near but yet so far =(

#5. what's your ideal lover like?
Ans: A person like Eugene koh(my love) minus away several factor like: nasty temper, a irritating mindset which he always think he is right, wearing slippers when he wore jeans. Should be thats it.

#6. What is more blessed? Loving someone or being loved by someone?both?
Ans: I think both?

#7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Ans: WAHAHA! I have no idea. True love is timeless.

#8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Ans: I guess I will give up, afterall, I am not that patient.

#9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Ans: ALOT!!! My sure flunk Econs paper 2. Not able to get the things on my wishlist :)

#10. Is being tagged fun?
Ans: HAHA! I guess so? At least you are remember by friends.

#11. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Ans: Definitely a much older woman. A career woman who is probably engaged or married with no kids.

#12. Who are currently the most important people to you?
Ans: Everyone! Even my neighbour dog, Oscar, is important to me :)

#13. What kind of person do you think the one who tagged you is?
Ans: someone who shows concern for frens..

#14. Would you rather be rich and single or married but poor?
Ans: RICH AND SINGLE! I kinda afraid of marriage!

#15. What's the first thing you do every morning?
Ans: DAMN! What a question! Definitely open my eyes!

#16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Ans: HAHA! I guess I would! At least for now I am giving ALMOST 100% to this r/s.
#17. If you fall in love with 2 people simultaneously, who would you pick?
Ans: It will not come true!

#18. What type of friends do you like?
Ans: Like the 4 friends in Sex and the City?

#19. What type of friends do you dislike?
Ans: Like faz?

Zhi Wei

whom i tagged:
Eugene Koh
Greta Leow
Yin Whee
Xue Er
Xue Min
Si Hui
Get smart!
Friday, June 20, 2008 / 6:38 PM

I want to catch this movie! Hopefully next thursday we can catch it!
/ 6:25 PM
Went back to school for Chemistry Mock. Guess what, I skipped after paper 2. I felt so miserable! I just merely pass the MCQ. But paper 2 was still alright. At least I can manage it! But I still feel so miserable. I know what shall do now, I shall STUDY HARD! RIGHT AWAY!

Went to Bugis after paper 2. Had our lunch at Ministry of Food. The foods were nice. I had sashimi salad and unagi bento. Shared dessert with hp greta. I swear the sashimi salad was over-priced. For only 2 slices of sashimi and lots of veggies, they charged $4.30 for it, excluding service charge and GST. So people, dont ever order the salad if you intend to dine over there any sooner.

Bought a forever friends photo album and a cheapo whiteboard :)

I am glad that Xue er was satisfied with my gp tutor. She is a good tutor.

Thats it, people,

I miss Fish&co smoked salmon caesar salad & garlic butter mussels!!!
Kung Fu Panda
Tuesday, June 17, 2008 / 1:36 PM
Dear and I catch Kung Fu Panda midnight show yesterday over at The Cathay! It is damn damn damn damn nice can! Anyone who have yet to catch should go and catch it. It is definitely worth your ticket price!

Oh ya, I forgot to mention one more thing that we did in Bangkok. We catch Sex and The City in MBK cinema. Their cinemas are quite okay. Ticket price is 100baht, half the price of Singapore ticket. The show is damn cool! I love Samantha's dog. Awfully adorable when he tried to 'fuck' Carrie's cushion! haha!

I bought a doggy tees for the lil rascal, Oscar. Haha. He looks adorable in his new tees. haha. Babysit him yesterday, and today as well. He really entertains me alotttttt.
Bangkok trip!
Monday, June 16, 2008 / 8:59 PM
We arrived 3hrs earlier at the airport. Thats because the money sucker cabbies are going to suck 30% more on top of the fare during 5pm to 9pm on Saturday. So left with no choice, we left early!
Stayed at Baiyoke Suite Hotel. But seriously, I will not go back again, although everything was quite good. Thats because the furnitures are all too old! And it is so so so big that I feel like I am staying in a place where there will be lots lots of pests crawling around when you are sleeping soundly. BUT! The hotel is quite clean.

Breakfast provided was okay. Better than the breakfast provided when I was in Beijing. And one good thing about the hotel is that we can have our breakfast at 43 storey glass house, overseeing Bangkok city area in the morning.

I love the street food. Although it is not that hygenie, but it really taste nice. Even their fishball noodles are better than Singapore average fishball noodles. There is one particular wonton mee stall that I really like. I would rank it as one of my most preferred wonton mee :)

Nice matchsticks!
We encountered a very funny incident with this tuk tuk driver. As there is a serious traffic jam when we were on our way to Patpong, we took more than 45mins to reach there. If we take cab, it should cost around 100plusbaht, so I suggested to dear that we should give him slightly more than 100baht(the asked price) so as to be reasonable. And my dearest and kindest darling gave him 200baht. I was like wth! And what really amused me is the tuk tuk driver's expression when he saw dear giving him 200baht.

Dont you all just miss this? Free cooking service provided when you buy seafood in supermarket!
Prawn feast!

On the 3rd day of our trip, we went to Chinatown. And so coincidently, I recognised a chinese restaurant which many Singaporeans like to go. So, we went in to have our early dinner over at Nam Sing Restaurant. It is actually a branch from Hong Kong Nam Sing. We ordered sharkfins soup, fried oysters, steamed fish with soya sauce and dong fen with scallop. The fried oyster was really nice. The oysters are all big and juicy!

My most satisfied photo taken!

Before we took the flight back to the sunny island, we had our last meal in Bangkok at the airport sky lounge. Quite a modern lounge. I had some thai food(combinations of fried rice and rice noodles) and dear had beef lasagna :)

Iced chocolate!
Bye Bye!
I will miss you Bangkok!
Sex and The City
/ 12:01 AM
I need to save up badly to buy Sex and The City drama from season 1 to season 6!
Beijing Economics Field Trip
Sunday, June 15, 2008 / 10:55 PM
Fath, I miss the days in Beijing. Beijing was awesome. Modern, grand, rather clean, peaceful and beautiful. The times spent there are really worthwhile. And this is my second overseas trip with school, probably the last one too. I love Beijng buildings - most of the buildings are very modern, just like the ones we have in Singapore. I love PEKING DUCK! It is delicious la! I love The Place. I admire undergraduates who are studying in Beijng Uni. Lucky them to get inside such a reputated uni and have such a tranquil study environment. Lastly, I love my tour guide, Julie Li, she is really good. And Beijing people can really speak quite good English, at least it is understandable. Their standard of English is much better some of the Singaporeans. I was quite surprised. I love room-mate, Fathiah, too. Enjoyed the gossip with her alot. Guess what, Bargaining is quite fun. haha! Right, fath?

The Place!

Great Wall of China

Back from Beijing
Thursday, June 05, 2008 / 8:40 AM
HELLO! I am back from Bejing. Beijing was beautiful. I enjoyed the trip alot.
Will give a further update of Beijing after I come back from Bangkok.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.