Sunday, July 27, 2008 / 12:19 PM
Catch The dark knight and X-files on friday. Watched till 3am, I was damn damn tired then.

X-files is freakin boring can! Wasted dear's 21 dollars.

While waiting for the next show, dear and I went back to where I used stay(Bukit Ho Swee). I started to miss every little thing in the past. I love the time when my dad always used the cane to threaten me and my brother to wake up early on a sunday morning! My dad will always buy mac breakfast for me and my brother on sunday. I miss the time when my dad will buy me a new toy at least once a month. I still love barbie doll! I love cutting their hair! However there are always things that I dont miss about, especially the canning session when I did not get full mark for my spelling test or 90 over for my exams and test. And after all these thoughts running through my head, I start to realise I have grown up so much and my parents have age so much.

The dark knight was okay. Wayne is handsome!

Time can never heal a wound.
Monday, July 21, 2008 / 11:12 PM
I was talking to Vino on my way to school today. She was telling how painful it is to accept the face that her grandma had passed away. To her, her grandma is the world to her. She had been her pillar of support for all this year, but she was gone for good. At least I am glad that her grandma passed away peacefully.

Although I never have such a painful experience, but I still can feel for them. Many people out there alway alway thought that time can heal a wound! BUT, in reality, TIME CAN NEVER EVER HEAL A WOUND! If your loved ones left you, you can never ever expect yourself to move on with your life for just a weeks or even a year! It can takes up to a whole lifetime for one to move on with their life. It may sound so childish or immature to one that how can someone be weak till that extent that you actually need so so so so much time to accept the fact that your loved ones is gone. But it is definitely not kiddish to think that way when one experience such situation by himself(touchwood!)

For the whole day, I was thinking about what will happen to me, if one day, any of my loved ones left me. I think I will be in a state of depression. I alway alway wonder what if my parents left me before I could give them my best to let them enjoy their golden years...

I guess before I regret anything, I should start treasuring every single little thing around me. Treasure everything before they are gone for good :)
NS man died during his Brunei training
Sunday, July 20, 2008 / 11:46 AM
Got this blog link from Zhiwei's blog.


A blog from the NS man's girlfriend, the NS man who died during his NS training in June.

Although I could not truly understand the pain that she is going through, but I still feel the slightest pain from her. As I was reading her blog entries after her bf passed away, alot of thoughts came to me. Just then ,I start to realise that Eugene is really really important to me, I just cannot ever afford to lose him. We may quarreled everyday over something very trivia, even though the feeling may not be as strong as before, but deep down we still love each other. We made a lot of promises to each other but is yet to be fulfil. We even promise each other to travel overseas once a year, to different country. There is so so so much things we have yet to try together. Even if one day he is not with me anymore, but I still wish him to be safe and sound.
Saturday, July 19, 2008 / 12:42 AM
I have alway thought that Greta attended piano lessons since young and thats why she is good at it! But I was wrong. She didnt! And yet she can play it so well, at least better me, who is totally a music retard! Greta! You belong to the entertainment industry! Maybe you can be the world funniest pianist on earth! Potential Singapore's Proud!
Saturday, July 12, 2008 / 12:02 PM
I miss the days in BEIJING and BANGKOK!

I miss the SIA flight~ ( I have no idea what i miss about)

I miss the nights gossiping with fath.

I miss the bargaining in Beijing.

I miss the weather in Beijing. (windy yet sunny)

I miss the shopping in Bangkok.

I miss the cheap Swesen's ice-cream in Bangkok.

I miss CHATUCHUK weekend market.

I miss the street food in Bangkok.

I miss I miss I miss I miss the days I am in overseas.

I am seriously anticipating the upcoming trip to Bangkok and Phuket in late Nov with my classmates. I guess it will be damn fun! It is always always fun to go overseas with closed friends. haha! Okay I need to save up for the trip! Also, STUDY F_ _ _ING HARD!
Sunday, July 06, 2008 / 7:24 PM

Click on the advertisement on your left! Do the personality test! It is funny!
/ 7:11 PM
Hairspary was an last year released movie. But I only managed catch it a few minutes ago.


Why didnt I catch it in the cinema? :(

But it is still nice despite catching it in a 15inch screen :)
Mid Years is finally over
/ 11:33 AM
Mid Yrs were over almost a week. Finally! I am totally scared of the results. I wonder how badly will it be!

Went out with HP HJ on friday night. Had dinner at Central at taka. Chicken chop baked rice is still nice :) OH... I love green tea ice-cream with red beans from vernazia gelato! I am so damn going curse and swear at the public transport! I wonder how much effort has really been done to enhance current public transport! HOW MUCH? I waited for almost 45 mins to get into a bus! FREAKING 45 mins k! I waited from 9.50pm to 10.35pm. It is really terrible! Even if I wanted to take a cab back home, I couldnt even board one! And guess what! My last resort is to take a bus to Raffles town club to transfer another.

Hoping that the probability of getting into a bus will be HIGHER. But no! I still waited for almost 15mins! I really wonder does the authorities REALLY REALLY meant what they say. They promised to enhance current public transport, such as more frequent bus rides! But such an enhance is yet to be seen! During my waiting over at far east plaza opp, i only saw 2 bus700, which means 20mins for 1 bus? During busy hours like 10pm plus, where alot of peoples are rushing home at Orchard! That is really a 'great improvement'. No doubt, whatever how the authorities try to increase the cost of driving, there are still increasing number of people buying cars!


Okay, I should go complete my tuition GP essay and Chemistry paper 1 correction!
Tuesday, July 01, 2008 / 10:26 PM
I am seriously lack of motivation! I am not motivate at all, not even studying HARD for tomorrow chemistry paper. I wonder how dead will I be when I recieve back the results. I bet it is going to be terrible!

Anyway, just watched finish beach.ball.babes on mobtv. WOW! Pan Ling Ling is hot. Much hotter than Jessica Liu etc.

I feel like sleeping and dont wish to wake up at all~



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.