Happy Teacher's Day!
Saturday, August 30, 2008 / 5:22 PM
It was an awesome performance put up by my class, 06S4! First time in my life, I performed with my entire class infront of the whole school! Seriously! It was really good! I will upload the performance into Youtube once I get hold of the video! I burnt a dvd for you guys!

For those who are closed to me, I have told your something interesting during teacher's day celebration! During that day it will definitely will rain!!! I am seriously not kidding. Since primary school, every teacher's day celebration I had, it will rain. I know it sounds a bit ridculous but it is true. Okay whatever it is, teacher's day celebration was great!

My home tutor! He cried when he read out the letter he wrote for us.

GP teacher! She is cool!




Oscar in samurai
Thursday, August 28, 2008 / 10:22 PM

Saturday, August 23, 2008 / 12:09 PM
Prelim is less than a week away! SIAN!

AHHH! Price of DS lite dropped! From $215 to $199!

Hopefully by the end of A level, it drops to $160 to $180!
National Day Photos!
/ 11:58 AM
Zhiwei: That is your dearest junior!

I miss National Day celebration! And that will be my last National Day celebration in school.
Friday, August 15, 2008 / 9:09 PM
I was so freaking annoyed by her la! I fucking got scolded for no reason can! PISSED!

I have this feeling that every teacher, except a few, are looking down on my class la! I know my class is a freaking small class but they need to be bias against us? Is really annoying! I cant't wait to graduate from this school! I am getting to dislike everything in school! Every single little thing, right from the horrified food served to the stinky toilet!

And weird enough, I am feeling that everyone is looking down at me! I felt so freaking upset when I calculated wrongly a few times today during Math lesson! I nearly burst into tears! But who knows the pain inside me? Not even you dear! Said me emotional or whatever shit! But I am feeling very lost and no one can guide me along except me and myself. I seriously want to prove to myself that I can do it, but I can't! ARGH!

I feel like cuddling Oscar now, at least he is the only living thing on the Earth that will make me feel better.
Love Calculator..
Thursday, August 14, 2008 / 10:26 PM
Remember the days in primary or lower secondary school? We always get ourselves involved in promiscous relationship and we uses Love Calculator to calculate the 'amount' between you and your crush. Dear was freaking bored, I guess? Or probably he misses his childhood so much that he used the love calculator for him and I. Dear you are freaking childish!

Click on the picture for a clearer view.

Monday, August 11, 2008 / 8:07 PM
A level sucks big time!!!

I have this urge to quit school now! NOW! I want to call Mr P that I am quitting school now! But I know I am just being irrational! Or I am sore-loser! I seriously want to give up A now. My results sucks and I cant bloody do Maths!! I used to love Math as much as I love Oscar, but now NO! I hate Maths as much as I hate SNAKES! I am seriously out of time! I need more than 24 hrs a day! For the past 3 days, no matter how hard I studied I just can't finish doing all my works! I can see one whole stack of bloody stinky worksheets waiting for me! And I had to vent my anger through blogging!

What even upsets me further was the news that my neighbours planning to give Oscar away! HELLLLLL~ As I am blogging now, I am crying. I am feeling so attached to Oscar now, I really do not mind keeping Oscar. I promised to treat him like my own dog, although I love to bully him at times!

Freaking 13 weeks or so to go and I am feeling that I should just give up cox I know most likely I would not end up in UNI! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! NA BEI!!!!!!! KNNNNNNNNN!
Happy National Day!!!
Saturday, August 09, 2008 / 10:44 AM

Singapore, I love you!

School celebration was great this time round. That will be my last time celebrating National Day in school, I guess! I love the singing part! I love S4!! We are so united as ONE! Thats the class spirit!! (will upload some pictures after I get hold of the photos!)

Catched 2 movies today! The Mummy 3: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor & Money No Enough 2.

As usual, there is always a part where you laugh like there is no tomorrow and cry like nobody business! Ya I cried! Every Jack Neo's movie makes cry, except home run!

It was quite sad at the ending when the mother pulled up her oxygen tube, in order to let her grand-daughter to have that 2 pkts of blood!

I wonder if is it true that many Singaporeans treat their parents just like the way how the 3 brothers in the movie treated their mother.

They kicked her around just like a trash and make her to sleep just next to the kitchen's toilet, only because she can't control her bladder?

Not willing to hire a maid to just take good care of their, even the richest of 3 refused to pay?

Dumped their mother in an elderly centre, thinking that that will be it will be a happy ending for everyone?

Begged money from their mother when they are in deepest down state and ignored her existence when they are better off then?

And that poor mother have to give them the last cent from her 'coffin savings' and even giving them her gold accessories, in hope to help to overcome their financial problem?

I would grade this movie 3.5 stars!

Thats all for Money No Enough 2!

Mummy is awesome! I love scene when the skeletons army fighting against mummy soldiers! Those skeletons army troops are so so cute !!! But its kind of drag at the beginning, but overall was still great!

4 stars for MUMMY 3! * Mummy 3 is not as nice as the previous 2!

Monday, August 04, 2008 / 10:51 PM

Oscar looked like a toy dog in this picture! He is awfully cute!!!
That was my very first encounter with a dog! As days get by, I feel so attach to him!
I love you Oscar!
Turtle Mating
Sunday, August 03, 2008 / 9:24 AM
Found this picture from Dear's blog!

He took it in school(NP)

It looks funny! Turtles mating and their motion is like still so slow! Dont the male feels a sense of strong urge to relieve your agony kept for years? But it still look so funny!

Friday, August 01, 2008 / 10:44 PM

Friday has finally arrived!!! So much much much homework to be done and so much much stuff to understand and memorise! Had been neglecting Econs since the beginning of the term. I'm kinda doze off during Econs lesson, cause I have difficulties to understand what Mrs Koh saying and I know, this signal that i need to REVISE! Ask mom whether can I hire a Econs tutor, but she only set a budget max 250dollars. Where to find sia! But cant blame my mom, she had to fork out 300dollars every 4 weeks for my GP tuition. DAMN! I just wish Eugene could be a little smarter and understanding, such that I can consult him with Econs, BUT NO!

I still have alot of things waiting to complete. I seriously wish A level could be over a little faster. It is so much more worse than O level.

After so much whining, let me talk about the happy happening!


I am hoping Channel 8 or U can put up more horror movies to satisfy me! I hope Incredibale tales could be much more scarier. Actually I quite like this particular festival as I got to go down and burn papers and incense. I love burning things! I remember when I was a toddler, I accidentally burnt my hair (probably hair too long). Although the scene is kind of vague, but I still remember this funny incident. Also, I like to people talking about errie or ghost encounter. I love love love hearing such discussion!

So take care people!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.