Its our 4th anniversary!
Thursday, March 26, 2009 / 11:33 PM
Despite of all the super downs we experienced in the last few months, we are now together for 4years. So today is not just a normal day, but it is our 4th Anniversary.

Since the both of us are working, we are only able to go out at night to have a good dinner. And finally, this time we went to Ma Maison without disappointment. Every time when we went there, it will always be filled and we got to wait real long for the seats. So ended up, we went to other places. Anyway, Ma Maison served good food, reasonable pricing and good ambience. Its located at The Central, third floor.

Escargot was pretty average, not much rave over it.
Salad was pretty good.
Squid ink spaghetti was a must try!
It was my first time trying this, and it turn out to be pretty nice.
Love the fried rice. Tastes like ocean?
But the prawns are way way below standard.
Similar to hot date, but hot date was still nicer.
A bouquet of red roses!
Nothing can be more sinful than a box of chocolate from Sins.

I love you too =)

Happy 4th Anniversary!

My first time doing closing
Friday, March 20, 2009 / 9:43 PM
Today was my first day being made to stay to do closing. And I sweared, it was really damn challenging. No teacher except me, facing over 15 children. It was feels like one against many demons. Luckily there were Ting Sen and Jing Heng (both P6 boys) helped me out, if not I sweared to god, I will go mad by the noise. One thing seriously annoyed me since the start of my day would the children don't put in effort in learning. Especially when doing multiplication and dividsion. And some even worse, cannot identify when to use plus or minue, despite being taught ten over times. But somehow or rather, I pretty enjoy my days over at Pro-teach since the start of my first day :)
After working for 2days
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 / 9:55 PM
Today was the second day of working at childcare centre. But I am already drop dead. Yesterday, I was so tired till I couldn't tolerate the tireness of my eyes till I slept on the sofa. Damn damn tiring. But of course, I do feel more occupied and more things to do in the centre compared to like working in an office environment. Let me describe my work abit.

In the morning, I was greeted by every child. I love it when they call me MISS LEE~ After that, hide myself inside a classroom to mark all their assessment books and test papers. On the first day, I was given Primary 1 and Primary 6 class. Primary 6 wasn't too bad, quite an active class, so joke around, talk around, do abit of work and thats it. As for primary 1, not too bad as well. Class, how to spell rectangle? How to spell circle? How to spell square? Class, know which one is red? Take out your red pencil and show me? And thats basically what I did through the P1 class.

And one thing great about the job is free lunch is provided =) And it is only a less than 10minutes walk from home.

Anyway, hoped I can stay for long in this job =)
It was such a damn day!
Sunday, March 15, 2009 / 10:44 AM
Today, I feel damn lethargic.

Firstly, today was supposed to sign an employment contract with an agent to work in Tan Tock Seng Hospital, earning $6per hour. But while I am aleady at Orchard, the lady in Bukit Panjang tuition centre called me up to ask if I am willing to take up a part time job. Working only 4-5hours per day and it is super near my home, no need to even take LRT! Saved on transport cost, Save my cost for dining out and more flexible time. Somemore, if possible, while studying SIM, I can continue to work over there for extra allowance. And confirmed the latter position was so much attractive than the former. So I agreed immediately. And now, I praying that the pay per hour would be more than $10. Since the market rate is about $12? So I am praying now~

After making a wasteful trip to Orchard alone, I went to have some thai food before I went straight home. It seems like I spent $4over on transport just for some delicious thai food like that.

Went to Sim Lim and IT show at the later of the day. Was intended to buy an external hardisk drive. But didn't buy in the end as none of the prices seem attractive. And was looking at the webcam as well, but also didn't see any good deal with Logitech or Microsoft. After that, went to Mustafa to hang around, was supposed to have Prata near Mustafa, but didn't eat in the end as well.

And thats how my boring Saturday end.
Yes, history repeated itself again today.
Saturday, March 07, 2009 / 8:17 PM
History repeated itself again today.

Was feeling super depressed after looking at my result slip. And one thing for sure, result was simply the worst of the worst. After one round of crying, I finally settled down and starting to stone, staring at the trees branches outside. Afterwhich, was feeling much better. At least I am convinced that this is definitely not just a bad nightmare, but just a bad reality. Went out with friends to chill out and had dinner. Everything just seems so normal, like what we usually did.

But the moment I reach back, I got myself back into the super depress mood. Crying while bathing was the way to tears. I know I know, no point crying over the spilled milk. 'You only got yourself to blame on, and you should be moving on and think ahead.' I think today I heard this for almost ten over times from alot of people. But I just feel like crying over spilled milk, can't you just bloody let me cry!

Now all I can do was just to apply to all Uni and see what comes next.
I am scared.
Thursday, March 05, 2009 / 9:57 PM
Tomorrow is the day, the day of A level result. I am scared. Really scared. Fear inside me starts to overwhelm me and causing constant shiver inside me. I am scared because I know what I had done in November 2008 was not the best that I can do. Or I didn't gave in my very best when I know I should be doing. And thats why, I am scared. I know I kind of deserve it since I didn't give it my very best. I know I will not be having a good sleep today despite how tired I am today. Hopefully, watching SAW could calm my nerve down a little. And just, it started to pour in my estate. Guess, God sense my fear and wish that pouring would have make me feel slightly better.

I think when I get back my result, I would want to go back to my seat and stone. Stone really hard. Cause I know I will be not acting or thinking rationally.Okay, I should pack several packs of tissue paper into my bag now. And I wish Mr Pow will put on a mask when he is distributing the result slips. I don't want to have an prediction of my result through his facial expression before I really get to see it.

And all the best to my friends. =) See you tomorrow!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.