Thursday, June 25, 2009 / 1:15 PM
I love this picture of Oscar.

He just has to come in between Eugene and I always.

But I still love him =)

Monday, June 22, 2009 / 5:44 PM
Just got back home from Bangkok.

This trip was fun throughout. But it was just too much for a lesson to be learnt. And travel couple is still the best choice.

Back in Singapore, all the worries have start to come back and haunt me. And an additional $200 will definitely left me sleepless today.
Thursday, June 11, 2009 / 10:17 PM
It’s been almost a month since I last updated my blog. Not much things happened in this month, except some nibble matters. Went out with Greta yesterday for a good thai cuisine at a kopitiam pricing. This place is just right opposite of Queensway Shopping Centre. It is called ‘Joe’s Kitchen, thai cuisine’. It served nice and spicy tom yum and mouth watering pineapple rice at $1.50 per bowl. However, ‘Thai Café’ is still my top choice. The both of us were simply too indulged in the food and forgot taking shoots of the food. =)

Who needs ThaiExpress when there is so many authentic thai café around in Singapore.

We went for a haircut at Chapter2 Marina Square after dinner. We played a while at the arcade since there was still quite some time before our appointment. Seriously, I regretted telling the hairstylist that can I have my fringe shorter because my eyes do not feel comfortable with the hairs touching my eyes. And tadang, SHORTER FRINGE! Like totally a nerd retard. Anyway, I am still comfortable with my hair, I guess.

5 more days to Bangkok. 4 more days to Bangkok once the clock hit 12.

Can’t wait. Seriously, can’t wait!

And have you people caught ‘Drag me to hell’? If the answer is no, please go catch it. It is one of the good movies for this year so far. At least that’s what I thought.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.