i am bored.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005 / 11:33 PM
this week is my turn to do the second shit.
junhao do first shit.
today is pathetic.
only sell the miserable 3 pairs of shoes.
anyway yesterday i was disgusted by a lady and 2 fcuking gays.
let me talk about what happen to lady first.
this lady exchanges twenty one vouchers with us for shoes.
thats mean we had given her twenty one pair of shoes to her.
in other words, we had given her $1048.95 (each pair of shoe is $49.95).
i was like what the hell!!! so sick!!
she is just so freaking typical auntie!!
as for that two gays.
they are like saying make in china, yet the shoes sell so expensive.
and stuff like design so ugly who will buy.
know what i said back?
i said, ya the design is ugly but however popular.
cox those who buy it are only rich people who love comfortable shoes.
however people who cannot afford it, will stand there to criticise the shoes.
they were like URGH!! then they walk aways already.
well to be true, usually is those buy already came back and buy again.
or those rich people come and buy, especially ang moh.
ang moh usually buy a number of pairs.
so sick of such people!
no money to afford and yet, criticise so many things.
why not they be more worthwhile by earning more money with the time they spent to criticise.
anyway, i am buying Fuschia Athens for myself.
love the athens. very comfortable.
it got the 'bouncy' effect.
alot shoes are running out of stocks, especially fuschia.
cant wait to get the shoes man!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.