Bad experince at Ikea (Queensway)
Tuesday, November 13, 2007 / 11:04 AM
I went to buy my new study desk on sunday with my family members.
This my new study desk.
I recieved an extremely horrible service from there. I actually lodge a complain to the Ikea management online. The following paragragh is what I have wrote to them:

I went to Ikea (Queensway) on 11 November 2007. I bought a study desk from there. When i went to the merchandise pick-up point to collect the desk, it was already closed to 9pm. But I waited for more than 30minutes for my desk to arrive. However, in fact the desk already arrived before 9.30pm. But my number was not called and your 2 young staff did not bother to call out my number. When people behind me already took their stuff and happily paid it, I was still waiting for the desk to arrive. When I asked your staff why they didn’t call my number to ask me to collect my desk, they actually IGNORED me. I am totally disappointed with the service they provided. This experience gives me a lesson that cheap and nice furniture does not come with good service. This is an experience I would like to share with shoppers of Ikea so that they can be more informed about the services they provide.

On the next day(monday), they actually replied me this:

Dear Ms Lee Pui Leng

Thank you for taking time to send IKEA on-line comments. Please accept our sincere apologies over the waiting time and theinconvenience caused. Our Store Operations Management will definitely gothrough the details of your comments and investigate internally on staffservice failure as described. Rest assured too that IKEA takes a seriousview on customer feedback. I take this opportunity to thank you for your kind support of IKEA. Andshould you need further information or assistance urgently, you are welcometo contact me directly.

I only hope the management team will actually bother to find out who is the staff and give him a stern warning. This is my first time to be so angry with a saleperson service. How can any saleperson just ignored customer like that? And the attitude he gave me as thought he owned Da Vinci Furniture boutique and I only buy something from there that cost 10 cents.

Now I also realise..

Good and cheap stuff does come with good service! Ikea has always branded themselves as a place where good and cheap furniture comes with good service. But nah! So, Ikea, you still have alot more to go when it comes to serving customers.

Back to today. After work, I went to look for dear. Had dinner with dear and his mom. His mom is nice to me. I mean really nice. But my mom is also nice to dear. My mom actually paid for dear's cab fare but she never paid for my cab fare :) So dear, next time you better dont say only your mom treat you good hor!

The next thing on my mind is the cruise! I wanted to bangkok! Hopefully I can persuade dear to persuade his mom to go. HAHA! After dinner, dear and I went to Henderson industrial park to get office chair for my new study desk. Bought one for $135 and the colour is lemon.. Hope it will turn out to be nice. I will upload a photo when it is deliver to my home on friday.



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.