2nd and 3rd days in RP
Wednesday, April 20, 2005 / 9:14 PM
Second day in RP le.. haha.. today really fun... everyone in the class become more lively than yesterday... haha.. which is very good lor.. haha.. esp JD damn fun man he.. haha... today task is to writing out instruction.. dun think it is easy hor.. haha.. cox ah.. need to think lots of step and restriction de.. haha.. my team make a three in one container as our product.. not much focus on the product, but more on presentation and instruction done.. haha.. really very fun today.. keep laughing non-stop.. hmmm... by the way some of my frenx ask me my class... actually i also dunnoe wats my class... i only where is my class and how to get there... haha.. yeah!! fun fun fun man!!! then during the 2.5hr lunch break.. my team went to tiong... buy stuff and make our products done.. so fun lor.. haha

at nite was chatting with... then i told him that we sooner or later will be ending this relationship de... haha... then he was like kind of seh... haha... then we remain silent for a while.. i think hor being frenx got more things to say abt.... cox ah... stead chatting ah need to be filter de.. haha.. just like polluted water... they need to filtered before letting us drink rite... then must know wat to say and wat not to say.. haha... then after we hung up, he messaged a quite touch messge.. haha.. to me la... haha.. dere goes > Dear.. I seriously hope we will not end this relationship so quickly.. I do my best to prolong it as long as possible de..Muackz.. I love you.. Good night.. haha
when i read the message dat day.. was kind of sleepy.. almost twelve le.. haha.. and gene, really thx... haha... sorry to say dat... heee...

wah.. today de task make me wanna sleep sia... all abt computers de... at least got learn abt how programming works... haha... kind of bored today.. cox everyone was like... haha dunnoe how to do the programming... but i quite smart haha... sorry to say dat.. finished it in 15 mins time liao.. haha... cox i got listen in the class... and also learn to write out the code liao... sorry jason din give u any gift.. haha... just now he told his bdae is one 19 of apr.. then he asked for gift.. then i replied ur bdae haven reach yet... i think i am still in march mood.. omg.. haha. sorry.. anyway happy belated bdae jason.. haha



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.