I am scared.
Thursday, March 05, 2009 / 9:57 PM
Tomorrow is the day, the day of A level result. I am scared. Really scared. Fear inside me starts to overwhelm me and causing constant shiver inside me. I am scared because I know what I had done in November 2008 was not the best that I can do. Or I didn't gave in my very best when I know I should be doing. And thats why, I am scared. I know I kind of deserve it since I didn't give it my very best. I know I will not be having a good sleep today despite how tired I am today. Hopefully, watching SAW could calm my nerve down a little. And just, it started to pour in my estate. Guess, God sense my fear and wish that pouring would have make me feel slightly better.

I think when I get back my result, I would want to go back to my seat and stone. Stone really hard. Cause I know I will be not acting or thinking rationally.Okay, I should pack several packs of tissue paper into my bag now. And I wish Mr Pow will put on a mask when he is distributing the result slips. I don't want to have an prediction of my result through his facial expression before I really get to see it.

And all the best to my friends. =) See you tomorrow!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.