Saturday, May 06, 2006 / 11:59 PM
Finally my blogging mood has possess me again. Long time did not update so today going to update alot.

Firstly i want to tell Eugene is 'I Love You'. Thank you for accepting me, and now you become my meaning of living. I do not know how you felt actually when i told you the truth but at least I know i had already dropped this burden me. And you chose to still love me, that prove you love me. For what I know, I am just a girl. I hope this relationship will stretch as far as possible with our love.
Thats alot of things running through our relationship. Starting Pre-U life is never simple that what mine perspective about. Everyday after school, you just wish once you step out of the classroom, and there will your bed for you. My chatting times with you had cut down due my tireness, and I always tried to talk to you more during the Friday and Saturday. And not to forget, our Saturday dating every week. I simply cannot wait for the new morning ahead. Planning to go for K-box, watch movie, Fish&C0-ing(my love!!) and clark quay-ing. I will be counting down.

Secondly, Mid year exam is coming soon. My GP teacher is starting to count down for remained days to GP exam. So turnoff by the counting. Anyway I am not really looking forward to MI carnival actually. Sound pretty bored over it. Any one want to come, please come and buy the coupons from me. And dear, please try your best to go, and of course accompany me!!!
Things are just getting out of control somtimes.
Sometime I wonder, do i really know the meaning of studying or taking exam. My life turned systematic; wake up, schooling, home, homework, sleep, this cycle goes on for me during weekdays, and only Saturday i then get to enjoy. I think this systematic way of living occurs to everyone especially people who are either schooling or working. To me, we are just becoming to be a daily operating robots.

Lastly is about my friends. Clicking well with my new friends, thats a good sign, but i yet to find a real good buddy like ZhiWei(Oh Ya! Thanks for your necklace, wei). And I am neglecting my sisters. I am really sorry about it. I just wish, one day has more than 24 hours, so that i have more time doing what i enjoyed, SHOPPINGS! Actually this few day quite turned off by the word 'SHOPPING' because of time consuming. Because i knew well enough, I can use the time for my homework and no need to be so harsh on Sunday. Haiz, that will be one a IF!!! IF IF IF IF. Its time to go bed, my eyes are closing. Jesslyn you damn crappy about the freakie!!!



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.