The Story of Kevin Carter.
Thursday, May 11, 2006 / 9:33 PM
I believe most of my friends never heard of this name called Kevin Carter. Well, he was a Photographer, was an award-winning photojournalist. BUT IT IS A WAS! Most people knew him because of his picture, one of the kind. Never will the people over the other side of the world know what actually happened when he took that picture, his feeling and his audience feeling when looking at the picture. The following is the picture:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

If you are a good picture teller, you probably is capable to feature out what is the picture is showing exactly. Saw that well-fed Vulture behind? It was waiting for the child to die, so that it can eat her up. It is really gross, but this is the fact. I do not know why, but when i saw the picture and check up on it, then I realise how sad the picture can be. It looks really simple, but that simplistic behind, hiding something called 'sad'. When this picture was published in Times magazine, alot of people called up and asked whether the child had survived. No answered for it, because it was warned that all the people went over there were not allowed to touch anyone in case of contacting the disease. It was pretty a sad case. And the photographer died after 3 months of the photo. Therefore his name was famous due this picture. It is actually quite sad...




.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.