What a slack week..
Yeah! Finally waited for today, having vesak day tomorrow, simply love PUBLIC HOLIDAY! Well, a bad news is I have to start revising for my General Paper, Mid year is coming. Having SPA and GP during last week, so have to buck up. Hopefully I can do well for my Mid Year! And get into top 3, bet with my mother. Sound so insensible of me. Having a high hope for my both science papers and probably Economics. I will have to practise alot on my Math. Anyway I was on MC yesterday, SKIN ALLERGY! All thanks to Neutrogena Acne Facial Wash, have a very serious outbreak, all those tiny pimples come out. Scary! I will not use that again. Went to see a dermatologist, quite good, clear my tiny pimples within a day, its like miracle. Meeting up with him tomorrow, miss him lotsa!!