After working for 2days
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 / 9:55 PM
Today was the second day of working at childcare centre. But I am already drop dead. Yesterday, I was so tired till I couldn't tolerate the tireness of my eyes till I slept on the sofa. Damn damn tiring. But of course, I do feel more occupied and more things to do in the centre compared to like working in an office environment. Let me describe my work abit.

In the morning, I was greeted by every child. I love it when they call me MISS LEE~ After that, hide myself inside a classroom to mark all their assessment books and test papers. On the first day, I was given Primary 1 and Primary 6 class. Primary 6 wasn't too bad, quite an active class, so joke around, talk around, do abit of work and thats it. As for primary 1, not too bad as well. Class, how to spell rectangle? How to spell circle? How to spell square? Class, know which one is red? Take out your red pencil and show me? And thats basically what I did through the P1 class.

And one thing great about the job is free lunch is provided =) And it is only a less than 10minutes walk from home.

Anyway, hoped I can stay for long in this job =)



.Another BKK trip in Dec09
.DKNY watch
.A New Bed mattress
Thats all for now.



Designer / Mira Muhayat.
Inspiration / Martha Stewart.